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Hey Amazon seller – are you curious what the finance pros think of your model? Where’s are smart investors going these days in our industry? It’s wise to look at the big picture of our industry from time to time and see what the pros think of our model. This is one of those episodes that will encourage you, and will put $500 free money into the pockets of many qualified listeners!
Today’s guest is Donald Hedig from AccrueMe
Watch our interview on our YouTube channel:
Show Note LINKS: – Sign up for AccrueMe’s FREE summit.
Have you ever thought about creating an Amazon business exit strategy? AccrueMe is a friend of this community that you’ll be hearing more about. They have an upcoming FREE summit that’s designed to help you hone your exit plans when the time comes. They also offer fantastically flexible funding options for Amazon sellers who need more cash for inventory. If you use their funding services, be SURE to tell them we sent you and they’ll give you $500 in free cash as a new client! – get details on the $500 offer and see how AccrueMe works **Full disclosure – This podcast receives a small referral fee if any students become clients of AccrueMe. We are asked to work with and endorse countless offers and have always been very cautious about what businesses we endorse. – the Amazon selling course that Don suggested to a new seller at a big name conference
Our super supportive facebook group for online sellers – ask all your questions here:
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