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Episode 392: Son hires mom and grows a seven figure Amazon business

Son hires mom and grows a seven figure Amazon business

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Today’s guests have quickly built an incredible seven figures+ business out of a spare bedroom. Early in their Amazon journey they sold a single private label product that had a degree of success, but they were suddenly forced to pivot away from their single product when covid killed the sales. They knew they needed a more stable and sustainable approach to achieve their bigger goals. They jumped into the replens model as taught in the course at this point and things took off fast! Topics discussed with this mom/son team include; finding new replens using only free apps and keepa, how they test new products with minimal risk, a review of their recent trip to Arizona to the training with Rich Potter as they begin to expand into wholesale replen sourcing, the dynamics of having a family business, how they found local “prep help” just a few days ago (their first workers), and plenty of additional tips and advice for experienced sellers and newbies alike! They hope to hit $1.5million in sales for 2021!


Today’s guests: Collin Foote and his Mom Laura Foote


Check out this episode on our YouTube channel:


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Show note LINKS: 

Jim references the “Keepa episode” – that’s episode #369 on this website

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