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Episode 834: Virtually every Amazon seller can get $400 now just for doing this

Virtually every Amazon seller can get $400 now just for doing this

On average, every Amazon seller is owed between 1-3% of ALL SALES back from Amazon in lost reimbursements.


These are funds that most sellers will never collected UNLESS they are constantly staying on top of all owed reimbursements from loss, damage, misplaced etc. inventory at Amazon FBA.


Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a company that charged you NOTHING to find all those reimbursements and get you the cash you’re owed?


Better yet, what if you could try them out and never pay them a penny out of pocket? (They only get paid a small cut when they find your money!)


GETIDA is that service – and if you use this link to sign up FOR FREE:


…then, they have $400 in free reimbursements for you right now! They’ll never charge you a penny for their services and you can drop out anytime – no commitment necessary!


This really is a no brainer for anyone selling more than a few hundred dollars per month on Amazon.


On today’s podcast episode, I talk about the beauty of AMAZON RESELLING, the future of the Amazon selling business models and the elegant service created by GETIDA that puts more money in YOUR POCKET while never costing you a dime!

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