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Episode 6: Making your first $100 online

Making your first $100 online

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If you are new to making money online, or if you’ve tried and failed so far, this episode is for you. Our goal together is simple. Together we WILL put $100 profit in the bank! If you want more detail on any of this after listening, please email us and we’ll get you help!

Part 1: Where NOT to start 0:00

Part 2: Why listen to my team and I? 39:00

Part 3: Let’s put some cash in the bank! 45:07

Silent Sales Machine – the book that launched this podcast. It’s only $5 on Amazon here

30 ways to find profitable inventory

Email marketing – Our email course is FREE if you purchase Jim’s “Silent Sales Machine” book! – one of Jim’s favorite email marketing tools that he’s used for years

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