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Episode 341: Coaching student sells $100K in 8 months while working full-time at his “real” job

Coaching student sells $100K in 8 months while working full-time at his "real" job

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Today we have yet another success story! Today’s guest, Jeff got some bad news when covid struck. His pay was cut 30% at his “real job” and he knew he’d have to find a way to offset the loss to support his wife and four kids. After hearing a friend share about our community on a college alumni Facebook group, he found our community and then quickly jumped into the course. As he dove into the content, he quickly decided that he wanted some one-on-one attention so along with his wife they decided that even though their budget was a bit tight, they needed to invest in coaching. The rest of their story is one of success as this young family of six used their spare time to build a very stable business on Amazon by selling easily sourced products on a “rinse and repeat” simple model that we call “replens”. Jeff also shares several great tips and strategies as well about his RA/OA and wholesale sourcing techniques. Today’s guest: Jeff Lester

Catch the episode on our YouTube channel: – Our comprehensive course that inlcudes full replens training modules as well as new seller training and advanced strategies – Replens course! Use this course if you have experience already selling on Amazon and you want ONLY our Replens module. – -The service we use to help interpret all of the selling data

RevSeller – -the business tool many of our coaches and students use to analyze and organize business data

My Silent Team Facebook group – 100% FREE! Join 62,000 + members from around the world who are using the internet creatively every day to launch and grow multiple income streams through our exciting PROVEN strategies! There’s no support community like this one anywhere else in the world – Jeff’s training is through our coaching program and is for those who prefer a one-on-one coach for the ecommerce/Amazon FBA. Give us a call to set up a free strategy session with someone from our team!

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