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Episode 327: Full-time corporate couple sells $100K in first few months

Full-time corporate couple sells $100K in first few months

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Chris and Laisie have plans to go full-time with their Amazon business very soon and leave behind their corporate careers! They started out by attempting to build their own private label brand about 18 months ago on Amazon, but after spending far too much time, energy and money on a course and training they decided it was time to look for a better way and that’s when they found this podcast! They jumped into our coaching program just a few short months ago, as well as the course and now business is booming because they are doing things the way we teach (no big investments needed, inch deep-mile wide product selection, put cash in the bank instead of wasting cash on tools etc.) In this episode you’ll hear how they manage to squeeze all those great results into what little time they have (they also have a 10 month old baby!)

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