New here? Definitely start with the highest numbered episodes which are the most recent as of
March 2025 !
Episode 223: We just had the best week in 17 years and YOU benefit
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I've been using the internet creatively as the sole source of income for my family of seven for 17 years, but last week was the BEST WEEK I can recall. The results, momentum, success stories from the community, the live event that surpassed our expectations...and oh yeah - the #1 BEST SELLING TOY ON AMAZON are just the start. We measure our success by YOUR success - come hear how we are winning together with the greatest community of business building warriors in the world!
-Poverty Mentality podcast episode is #213 for details about videos, 2020 tickets and other details
-Link to proof of our #1 toy ranking on Amazon: - the best selling amazon training course in the world - the $5 book that started it all
-Our 53,000 member FREE facebook group:
Episode 222: Seven figure business and a great Amazon team
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Today we hang out with a seven figure Amazon seller who supports his young family with income from his growing business. We recently both returned from event, so we are excited to share some of the highlights of what we learned from that event as well in this episode.
YouTube link to see the video of the interview
Our sponsor:
Episode 221: Family of 5. success & multiple income streams
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Having recently left his six figure corporate job to pursue the entrepreneurial lifestyle full-time, Richard along with his wife Shelley are very excited about the future. They have built three income streams and today we'll hear about each of them. Their Amazon selling business is currently centered on the wholesale selling strategies taught in the course and they have two other exciting businesses as well that allow them to be home and together a lot with their beautiful family of five!
The Facebook post they made that prompted this episode:
You need to be a member of our community to view this.
Watch this episode on YouTube:
Episode 220: Overcoming chronic illness to build an incredible business online
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In today's episode we interview success story Michelle Henderson. Her infectious energy and "overcomer" spirit will inspire and encourage you! You'll learn about "replens", "reverse sourcing" and how she's gone from barely selling $1,000 per month online to a healthy business generating $10,000 or more monthly with healthy profit margins!
See the interview on our YouTube channel
(get details on videos from our most recent live event)
Episode 219: Three simple strategies from Lapin that will stuff your wallet
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Our keynote address on Sept 11, 2019 was delivered in front of nearly 700 attendees at "TheProvenConference" and WOW was it HUGE! We probably should have reserved this episode ONLY for those who paid to attend, but we just had to share it because we've never seen such incredible feedback. CAUTION: Listening to this episode may make you KICK YOURSELF for not being there...and it will almost certainly make you block out the dates of July 21-23rd 2020 (our next big event). Get ready to laugh, be challenged and EARN MORE with simple, timeless strategies from my friend Daniel Lapin.
Episode 218: From ZERO to $30K in sales per month in 90 days
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Our most recent interview. Imagine working an intense, full-time job with a wife and three daughters at home - driving 2 hours to work and 2 hours home EVERY DAY and STILL finding a way to build a $30K per month business selling on Amazon within 90 days (in your "spare" time)! That's what Oscar did and in this episode we tell you how! We've just returned from our annual meet up, and while nearly 700 of your fellow listeners were there, I met the guy you are about to meet. I recorded this episode just before the conference, and this gentleman is everything he seems to be in this great interview. This episode is in our Facebook group and on Youtube as well. Both links below.
Watch this episode on youtube here:
Watch this episode on Facebook here: - the program Oscar joined (for videos of 2019 event and details on the 2020 event) (the best selling, newbie friendly and advanced content Amazon "how to" course in the world)
Episode 217: Jeff Cohen, TheProvenConference sponsor, teaches how to pivot to persevere
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Jeff Cohen of Seller Labs comes to talk with Jim today! Jeff has been in business only six years and now has 65 employees and thousands of customers. He offers our community support tools that you should check out. Today he is talking with Jim about success mentality and the needed skill set of knowing how to innovate and hurdle failure. Take the action, fail and learn how to roll with it becomes the platform in this really encouraging conversation. Jeff's overcomer's attitude with fear and the needed pivotal change and adaptation is the perfect reminder of how flexible our online businesses really are and the unlimited possibilities we are afforded in our community. You will be refreshed by this interview! Seller Lab link
YouTube Video
Episode 216: Live stream access to event - time sensitive
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The premiss of this episode is simple. Listen and apply what you learn and starting as soon as tomorrow, you'll never have a "job" again the rest of your life! Our culture talks about diversified investments, workplaces, education etc., so why not diversified INCOME? Let's get it started NOW.
Episode 215: After this episode, you'll never have a job again
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The premiss of this episode is simple. Listen and apply what you learn and starting as soon as tomorrow, you'll never have a "job" again the rest of your life! Our culture talks about diversified investments, workplaces, education etc., so why not diversified INCOME? Let's get it started NOW.
Episode 214: Several creative low and no cost business ideas (FB panel discussion)
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Today's episode features a panel discussion with several quick cash ideas for all aspiring entrepreneurs! Those who are new to earning money in their own business will especially enjoy this open conversation! Some of the ideas are funny and unusual and others are super exciting and wide open! You'll hear a host of topics that are sure to get your creative business wheels turning! The four hosts are four of the leaders and content creators in our community. This episode is available in the MySilentTeam facebook group as well as a video so you can interact with or team - to see the video of this episode use the link in the show notes below. Guests include Delia Ursulescu, Eric Land, Jenni Hunt, Ryan Reger
See the video of this episode and join the conversation in our Facebook community:
Episode 213: Two ways to destroy a poverty mentality
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Mindset matters. Your mindset virtually guarantees your success or failure. A recent discussion popped up in our facebook group on the topic of having a poverty mentality (as opposed to an abundance mentality). Many members of our community chimed in and it turned into a great discussion! In this episode Jim highlights very practical tips to be able to spot the difference internally and how to address any remnants of a poverty mentality.
The facebook post that started this discussion:
A great first $5 investment if you've never invested in yourself: - the book that started this community and podcast
Episode 212: My 19 year old has built a healthy five figure per month business online
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We last heard from Trey Cockrum a couple years ago in episode 101, so we thought it was time to get an update on his online business! Listen in on the details of how his business has grown and how he's done it. He has some universally powerful lessons that illustrate just how broad and wide open the opportunity truly is online for any of us.
YouTube video
Episode 211: Deleted Recording
We apologize for the inconvenience but we have removed this episode. Please click on another episode to get great online business selling content!
Episode 210: Multiple income streams and Ryan's story
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Is it really possible to enjoy the security and financial freedom that comes from having several income streams online? How realistic is it? Today Jim's guest is Ryan Reger. Hear how he and his wife have built the lifestyle of their dreams by creating multiple income streams using the strategies taught in our community. Also - be sure to check out Ryan's new book on the same topic!
Ryan's book:
Legends group (Our private, smaller group focused on retail sourcing strategies and so much more! It's like family!)
-Proven Private Label 3.0 (Ryan's latest content created for our community)
Note: PPL 2.0 is part of the comprehensive collection of training modules inside the course! PPL 3.0 will be added to the PAC eventually, but is sold separately for now.
-Silent Sales Machine book
-My Silent Team Facebook group
-The extended version of this episode happened when Jim and Ryan went live in our Facebook group 30 minutes before creating this podcast episode. See the first half hour here and join the conversation!
Episode 209: Dad wants to be home with wife and 3 daughters. Making it happen.
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Today we meet yet another ambitious business building warrior who is making things happen. This isn't one of our "massive success stories" YET though because Jesse it just getting started, but you'll be inspired and motivated by what he's accomplished already and you'll learn a good deal along the way as well in this great conversation.
YouTube link:
Episode 208: Building a seven figure REPLENS business on Amazon
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Today we meet a student who has gone on to become a leader in our community. Jimmy and his wife Brittany have built a robust team and healthy seven figure amazon business using primarily a simple "REPLEN" strategy that Jimmy shares with us in this episode. It's a great story! NOTE: Jimmy will also be at event in Sept 2019 as a presenter! Tell him thanks for this great episode if you make it to our event! - where Jimmy got his start - Jimmy's replen training course. Get on the waiting list! (includes PPI, PPL and other courses discussed in this episode) (our upcoming event)
Jimmy's free webinar mentioned at the end of the episode (learn the basics of Keepa):
Episode 207: The best small investment you'll ever make
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Imagine going from having nothing to thriving as a best selling author and business leader with a flexible lifestyle and a legacy of leadership and success. Today Jim interviews a guy that meets that description. It's someone who has coached more successful business leaders and authors than anyone else he knows - and he has a simple challenge for us all that, if taken, will change your life. Get ready to be inspired and equipped for success in this powerful interview episode with Dan Miller.
You Tube video
Episode 206: In 3 minutes I made my friend $667 and a new weekly income stream
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In today's short episode I tell a story of success that anyone can replicate. It's the story of how I sent a three sentence email to a local artist and his simple two sentence reply (along with about 10 minutes of work by my Mom) created a new weekly, steady income stream that generated $667 in the first couple of days!
MST Facebook post:
Gary's shirt: (use coupon code "Chris" for 100% free, full access) - all of our Amazon training modules in one place and free lifetime access to all new courses coming in the future!
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Episode 205: Full-time corporate job and on his way to a $million Amazon RA business
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Today we meet a guy who is planning to go full-time with his Amazon business very soon. Eric Moore and his wife Lisa have built an incredible business (approx $600K in sales last year and growing fast!) primarily sourcing through retail store closings. He's not afraid to hustle and has some great stories to share and tips too! This is a can't miss episode!
YouTube link is here
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Episode 204: How she launched her own games on amazon/ learn about Payability
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Today's guest is a full-time teacher who launched a simple private label product to help kids learn math and it's fun for adults too! Learn about her journey and what hurdles she cleared on the way to building a business that really getting some momentum! She's a student who is on a mission and you'll love her story!
Additionally we have a special guest at the end of this episode who tells us how to get paid DAILY for our Amazon sales instead of once every two weeks! Stick around for that short tip/ segment! Receive a $200 discount when you use the following link:
YouTube link is here
Proven Audience Formula course and book
Proven Product Partnering course is a module inside the Proven Amazon Course
101 Free Marketing Ideas book
Silent Sales Machine book
Betsy's games on Amazon &
Episode 203: Amazon and multiple income stream strategies
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My Silent Team Facebook group
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Episode 202: Joe's strategy for multiple income streams on Amazon
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Joe was a teacher looking for extra income just a couple short years ago, and now he's running a highly profitable business on Amazon with a twist! He started out as a student, but when he faced a temporary account suspension he decided to make a small shift that has lead to huge opportunities! Today we meet Joe Kovacs. He and his wife are about to have child #4 and they work from how together running a very successful online business!
You tube:
MST Facebook Group
Episode 201: The High School teacher who built a $million business online
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Today you'll meet one of our coaching students (he's also a student) who, as a former high school teacher decided he wanted more flexibility and income. In this episode you'll hear EXACTLY what he sells, where and HOW he sources it and how you can replicate his success. You'll love his simple, powerful "hacks" that he's discovered while using his free Amazon app! This episode is arguably content that we should be charging money to share! No matter how long you've been selling online, this episode will give you two or three (minimum) new HIGHLY PROFITABLE strategies that you can start using today.
Watch on YouTube:
- Learn more about our Legends sourcing group here:
- - join JR (today's guest), your host Jim Cockrum and our entire team and hundreds of your fellow listeners in Sept 2019 at our annual conference!
- - the course that's helped more successful Amazon sellers build a business than any other course in the world!
- Our reverse sourcing class:
- PPP is our course that shows you how to partner up with brands and sell their products on Amazon (zero risk, zero cost for either party!)
- This course teaches you the basics of RA style sourcing. This is what JR's business model is built on. (note this course is a module in the course)
- Are you going to ASD in Las Vegas in summer 2019? Get details on our team's plans here:
Episode 200: A summary of the best of the best from the first 199 episodes
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In this short episode Jim shares the most practically useful episodes (in his opinion) from the first 199 episodes of our podcast. Everything from a simple strategy for searching Amazon without any tools or software to find hidden opportunity, to how to think properly about building an online business. While we know that you'll find great content in all 199 of our previous episodes, we trust that you'll find this episode very useful - especially if you are a new listener to our show!
The picture of teen volunteers at Jim’s house that he referenced in this episode (our upcoming live event) (the best selling course in the world RE: Amazon seller success) (the book that started it all)
Best of the best episodes Episode 17 Episode 20 Episodes 23,24 Episode 41 Episode 10 Episode 9 Episodes 2,16,31,32,40 Episode 39
Episode 199: How I put time on my side strategically in business
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After a particularly eventful day (in a very positive way) where it seemed opportunities and good news were finding me almost effortlessly, I put some thought into why it is that more days than not feel like that recently. Here's my conclusion...investing in the right people and relationships and truly serving well compounds into success more than money ever can. Allow me to explain.
Silent Sales Machine
MST Facebook group
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Episode 198: Rant: College versus online education & e-business
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Jim speaks from the heart about the opportunity landscape regarding college degrees and online business opportunities. It's self education versus formal education in this episode. Where do you stand on the issue?
My Silent Team Facebook group
Jim's book
Episode 197: 10 no cost ways to improve your online business in 10 minutes or less
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In today's episode Jim goes through several great free resources and zero cost tactics that you should be using in order to either begin seeing results, or dramatically increase your results in your Amazon selling business!
Our free Facebook group
Our support team email: [email protected]
Our bundling course
Our map of Facebook community members:
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Episode 196: What three factors set you up for success in life?
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From a Hebrew / Biblical foundation, there are three factors that set you up for success in life. The first two are timeless, the third has an interesting twist in my opinion when you consider the times we live in. In this super short episode I give you all three and tell you why you'd be wise NOT to ignore building your online commerce skills.
Show note LINKS:
Episode 195: The greatest free opportunity you are likely ignoring
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I spent the day today randomly calling people from our student community and here's a secret I uncovered that I hope challenges you. It's a free resource that's right under your nose and you probably aren't using it anywhere near its potential.
Show note LINKS:
Our Free Affiliate Program:
Episode 194: $20 million+ in wholesale sales on Amazon with a simple strategy
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Today Jim interviews a guy who has developed a system for finding and building relationships with wholesalers. Along with his partner Eric, Dan (who you'll meet today) has built an incredible business and it's not complex to explain or duplicate. You'll enjoy the highly actionable strategies and tactics from this wholesale sourcing training episode!
YouTube video
Show note LINKS:
Episode 193: The most useful lesson they won't teach in business school
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Jim was recently asked to record a training session on the topic of the power of building relationships for business success. In this training he shares the timeless truths that have served the most successful leaders and business builders of all time. Don't make the mistake of thinking "building relationships" is simply a matter of being kind to strangers and making a few friends along the way (those are good things of course, but there's far more to be learned!) Being intentional, proactive and creative in your relational efforts is vital and your business will flourish if you do it right. This training session gives specifics and plenty of examples.
YouTube video
Book suggestions:
Business Secrets From the Bible by D. Lapin
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Book suggestions:
- Business Secrets From the Bible by Daniel Lapin
- How To Win Friends And Influence People
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Episode 192: course is internationally relevant
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Today we meet student Jevy Orcullo! She's working full time at a job as is her husband and they have a toddler, but in their spare time they are putting thousands of dollars per month in the bank in profit from their Amazon business. Using primarily OA strategies (Online Arbitrage), she's able to work from home and build a nice income stream for their young family. Hear the story and be inspired! Show notes at - the course that Jevy used to grow her business
The discussion Jevy started in our Facebook group: - our annual live event in Sept 2019
Episode 191: Grow a customer list and get reviews using Amazon traffic
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Did you know that you ARE allowed to contact customers on Amazon and request a review? What are the creative and ALLOWED ways to connect with your customers and grow your brand(s)? Today's guest is Jeff Cohen with SellerLabs and we review the rules of what is and isn't allowed.
The YouTube version of episode #191
Episode 190: Two types of people who must come to our live event
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There are two types of people who really should attend our upcoming event. Are you asking the right questions about your business? Do you feel isolated while building your business? Let's talk about it! In this short episode we'll discuss the industry impacting benefits of our community event and help you decide if you should attend.
My Silent Team Facebook group
Best coaching team in the world for serious internet based business building warriors ->
Episode 189: Simple strategy producing $500K per year in Amazon sales
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Less than two years ago Jim was approached by a young man at his church who was curious about Amazon selling. Jim connected him with the course, and the rest is history! Today you'll meet Morgan Booher. Morgan had no internet business experience prior to listening to this podcast and taking the PAC course, but he has now built a very healthy business using only the basic RA strategies that he shares in this episode. Morgan has gone on to hire his wife and mom as well to help support his exploding business. You'll love this encouraging episode!
Link to youtube video
My Silent Team Facebook group
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Episode 188: You have a LOCAL advantage even if you don't realize it
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Local connections and relationships are vital to the stability and long term success of your business as well as your own sanity! Ignore this advice at your own peril! It's quite likely that your biggest opportunities are right under your nose even if you are trying to build an online business!
My Silent Team Facebook group
Episode 187: Full time student sells $30-$40K/month using
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Today we meet a full-time college student who is selling a healthy five figures monthly as his side gig while he's taking classes! He's using the wholesale sourcing strategies taught in the course. And get this - he only started about 10 months ago, but he dove in! Guest Noah Cook.
YouTube link
Episode 186: Do boring profits trump passion driven business?
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Which opportunity should you pursue? The "boring" profits of selling random widgets on Amazon, or that passion project you've always wanted to tackle? Today's episode dives deep and hopefully clarifies the issue for you!
The Facebook post that started this discussion: Our live event Sept 2019 Grow an audience and get more customers with these ideas The book that started this podcast in motion! Learn what "C, E, S" is all about! The best selling 'how to sell on Amazon" course in the world.
Episode 185: Start RIGHT NOW. Stop studying about business and grow one!
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One of the flaws inherent in getting a business education is that we tend to think that the "education" part comes first and then (and only then) are we ready to "launch". That's just not how the world works any longer. Victory goes to those who do it afraid. The winners are those who jump in and learn as they go! Business is about relationships and service - start doing both right now TODAY! Show notes at
SSM Radio podcast episode #50 - All the things I had to unlearn before I could succeed in business
SSM Radio podcast episode #85 - Does profanity belong in business?
A big discussion about profanity in business: - the top selling Amazon selling course in the world with far more success stories than any other!
Episode 184: Jeff Bezos just said we are kicking his butt! Check this out!
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Just a few short years ago, Amazon had a game plan in place to be able to sell just about anything on their site. They are very good at "stocking the shelves", but guess who is even BETTER at it than they are! WE ARE! That's right - the numbers prove it, and this is even more reason that you need to get in the game! Let's talk about it!
join our free support group with 51,000 members from around the world!
SSM book - a $5 book fall of the best ideas from our exploding community (our Sept 2019 conference)
Episode 183: Dad in Slovakia leaves career to support family with
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Jozef lives in Slovakia and had a great career, but he now supports his wife and child by selling on Amazon U.S. - from Slovakia! He's living proof that no matter where you live in the world, you can successfully build a business on Amazon! Meet student Jozef Biz (we call him "Joe Biz"). Just days before this interview he left behind his 50 hour per week corporate career because he now built an incredible Amazon business. He can supports his family with the income and flexibility he's established that far surpasses his previous job. He never touches or ships any of his inventory himself as he sells on in the U.S. Hear his creative strategies and be inspired by our latest success story! (May 2019) (the U.S. event Sept 2019) (the coaching program Jozef used)
View this interview on Youtube here:
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Episode 182: Fear & failure have a big role to play in your business
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Is fear a choice? Is it an avoidable emotion while building your business and pursuing your dreams, or is it something you need to get comfortable with? What about failure? What role have these two "F" words played in your business? This is my story of how fear and failure have played a big role in my business growth.
You Tube video
Episode 181: One word relieves my business stress & ensures success
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If you aren't familiar with the concept of stewardship, after today you'll understand how powerful and freeing it is as a spiritual and business building concept. This single concept is the key to staying healthy and fulfilled regardless of the day to day results you see in your business.
Episode 180: Amazon vs. Every Other Opportunity Online
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Especially if you are new to the idea of having a successful business online, this episode is for you! Why do we talk about Amazon so much on our podcast? What separates the Amazon business opportunity from every other opportunity in the world in our opinion? Our podcast wasn't created to be all about Amazon selling, but most episodes dive into that very topic - why is that?
Silent Sales Machine book
Episode 179: HUGE opportunity in the millions of products that aren't on Amazon yet
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Today we meet two guests who are making serious money by simply helping OTHER PEOPLE'S products that aren't yet on Amazon get onto Amazon. This trend is only growing larger as Amazon moves away from buying products directly for their warehouses and relies instead on products owners (and us as third party sellers) to help fill the shelves. If you have even a minimal knowledge of how to sell products on Amazon, this is a mega trend opportunity you can't ignore and it's risk free, with no investment required and no inventory to carry or buy ever. Our newest course at gives you everything you need to jump in!
You can watch this episode on YouTube
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Episode 178: The hardest thing you'll ever face as a business owner
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How would you answer this question? What's the most difficult aspect of being a business owner? Prepare for it and guard against it with the tips and strategies from today's episode.
MST Facebook group
Silent Sales Machine book
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Episode 177: Amazon causes a panic that's a CASH GRAB opportunity for you!
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Amazon recently made a big change that all students of the course and Amazon sellers will benefit greatly from! While others panic, this change will stuff the wallets of those who understand the opportunity it represents.
MST Facebook group
PPP 2.0 page
Our support email addresses:
Episode 176: A rant against Amazon training scams & how to spot them
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An entire scam industry has popped up that is ripping people off. Anyone who is investigating online business opportunities is a potential target and thousands are being lead down a disastrous path. One VERY SIMPLE question can help you avoid these scammers. It's time to arm yourself against these con-artists. Jim exposes the scammers in this short episode - this is one you'll want to share with others!
MST Facebook group
Our best selling course
Proven Amazon Course -
Episode 175: Love our podcast? Here's an easy new income stream!
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Can we pay you to simply share a link to something you love? As arguably the most exciting podcast with the most success stories in the "how to build a REAL business online" niche, this show has quickly become beloved by thousands globally! By simply telling others about it, you can get paid! Actually, if you spread the word about any of our resources we'll pay you! Get details on today's episode.
Our free partner (affiliate) program:
Our best selling course
Proven Amazon Course -
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Episode 174: Single mom, hourly worker building her Amazon business
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She started selling on Amazon a few short months ago and she's slowly building her dreams! Today we meet a single mom of three young kids aged 6,4 & 2 who is in the early stages of building something truly special. If you enjoy being inspired by stories of true fighters doing something truly special, then you'll love meeting today's guest Renee Altizer. Topics: Reverse sourcing, finding the right community to help you build your business, using prep centers, getting the right instructions to build your business.
View this episode on youtube here:
My Silent Team Facebook group - where we all meet and discuss our businesses on Amazon and other platforms - The most comprehensive Amazon selling course in the world
PAC resource page for recommended fulfillment centers (you need to be a MST Facebook member to access the file) - our basic of Amazon selling course - our free Merch course
Podcast episode Dakota Dunn #136
Podcast episodes about Merch - #68 and #102
Know your numbers as an amazon seller:
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Episode 173: Four simple questions that lead to great products you can sell
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There are many "gaps" to be filled on Amazon. These gaps are products that customers want, but they can't yet find them. We propose that there are millions of these gaps. One great way to find them requires no tools, no big risks and no pricey software. The only tool required for this strategy is four simple questions.
The discussion in our Facebook group that prompted this episode:
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Episode 172: Easily find underserved super hot keywords on Amazon
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How can you find the best keywords for your product? How can you find hot niche markets that are underserved on Amazon? Today I show you how to get Amazon to tell you the answer to both questions - and you don't have to rely on a bunch of tools to make it happen!
Show note LINKS:
Related episodes: #2, #16, #31
Our full PPI training (aka ProvenPerformanceInventory) is found only inside the course
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Episode 171: Is that a "business" or "side hustle"? Why it really matters.
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If you see any of your income streams as a "side hustle", odds are that income stream will quickly dry up and probably will never become what it could become - and neither will you. Here's some proof.
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Our best selling mini-course designed to generate real income from Amazon:
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Episode 170: Desperate? Earn $100 online today!
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Today's show is for those desperate for results. Using free tools and easily accessed inventory, you can put cash in the bank fast. ANYONE can do this. Are you ready to do a little work? If so, let's go.
Check out episode #6 of this podcast if you liked today's show is our lowest price, fast results course for Amazon selling the $5 book you must check out in order to begin thinking correctly about online opportunities.
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Episode 169: Price increase coming soon on the course!
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For a decade plus the ProvenAmazonCourse has lead the industry as the most creative, up to date, proven (more success stories) and well supported Amazon seller success training in the world - and we are about to raise the price. Today you'll meet some of the great team that supports this course and we'll share with you the two best times to get started selling on Amazon if you aren't a seller yet. : Our comprehensive flagship Amazon seller course
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Episode 168: Over 50,000 of us are selling more than $500,000 per year on Amazon
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Amazon just released the 2018 seller data and it's incredible! Over 50,000 of us are selling more than $500,000 per year in the Amazon marketplace! How are we doing it? Is there a secret that these 50,000 people know? It's hard to conclude anything other than the obvious after reading Amazon's seller data for 2018 - the Amazon seller opportunity is getting big quickly, and our community of sellers is where you want to be if you are ready to be serious about the future of online business opportunities.
Discuss Amazon's latest seller data and see the Amazon report here:
Join us for ASD: : Our comprehensive flagship Amazon seller course : Quickly learn the basics of successfully selling Amazon at an extreme discount
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Episode 167: The free tool we used to uncover $240K in sales in 5 months
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A young many on our team just uncovered a niche that sold $240K in just a few months at a very nice profit margin using a simple strategy that we teach. How did he do it? Find out in this short episode! Question: What TOOLS do you need in order to uncover profitable inventory? The answer - only one free tool! You'll love this one!
Episode 166: Help! My spouse doesn't support my online business!
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Married couples face life together, but they don't always agree! What do we say to couples who have a split vision of how they should earn income? Also- a special message to single parents and ALL business building warriors in any family circumstance!
The Facebook discussion that prompted this episode:
Single parents building great businesses online: Episode: #71, #99, #104, #136
Married couples doing online business together and individually: Episode #58, #62
The course that got them all started:
Episode 165: How to balance work & life, long & short term goals, cutting costs & growth spending
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A common question Jim gets asked is this, "How do I balance work and family?" Other issues that need "balance" is "cutting costs" vs. investing in growth or even time spent learning new skills vs. time spent applying those skills. Anytime the question of "balance" comes to mind, we have a principle we apply that hopefully helps you as well!
Jim's best selling book Silent Sales Machine
"Join our free group of over 50,000 members here:"
Episode 164: Fighting PTSD and building an Amazon business with his wife
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While fighting PTSD and chasing dead end jobs Justin along with his wife Amy have built a business on Amazon. This isn't a flashy big dollar story - it's a real story of a young married couple determined to make it work. Justin's determination and mindset convinced us that he's going to great places! After a record setting Q4 (the final three months of the year aka fourth quarter), he posted in our Facebook group about how excited he was to see his business taking off! We are so glad he agreed to be on the show! In this episode Justin also shares great tips on sourcing profitable products to flip on Amazon. All show notes are at - Guest Justin Lanaro - the inexpensive " light" course that has the content that Justin and Amy used.
Keepa "The tool that helps you make great buying decisions without relying only on sales rank"
Tactical Arbitrage "A tool to help you find great inventory online instead of relying only on traditional retail"
Episode 163: From zero knowledge of Amazon selling to her first $20,000 in sales
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Today's guest is a student who only recently began selling on Amazon. She and her husband have now sold $20,000 in product very quickly and they are super excited about the future prospects of their new business. She discusses the challenges she overcame on her journey and gives fantastic specific advice to others who are in the early stages of their journey. Guest: Brandy Lozosky
This episode also available on youtube for viewing at this link:
Proven Amazon Course
Facebook Group
Episode 162: From chemical engineer to online business building warrior
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Today we hear from one of our international coaches! Matt Rosinski lives in Australia and has a powerful story! He's gone from a prestigious university teaching career to a comfortable 9-5 at a coal mine company to owning a successful business. Discover what mindset changes are needed to transition from working for others to owning your own business. With a relatively new Amazon presence in his country of Australia, Matt explains how creativity coupled with opportunity isn't as scary of a risk when you're rooted in a community of like minded entrepreneurs like ours. Jim and Matt talk about outside of the box money making opportunities linked to our community of forward thinkers and how utilizing the tools suggested in this episode will keep you sharp in your entrepreneurship journey.
Watch this episode on YouTube
Am I Profitable? Facebook training that helps you KNOW
The tool they mention to track your Amazon numbers:
My Silent Team Facebook group - Over 50K business building warriors!
Silent Sales Machine book
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Episode 161: A rant AGAINST the dropship business model
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As a rule, we are not fans of dropship business models - and for good reason. Today Jim dives into why he almost never suggests to new online business builders (or even experienced online business builders) that they should get into dropshipping on Amazon, eBay or other major platforms. Let's explore the risks and tell the story of a guy who sold nearly $70 million dropshipping and isn't advising anyone to go down that road. We'll tell you what you should be doing instead though! All episodes and show notes are at - just the basics of getting started - step-by-step
Silent Sales Machine book
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Episode 160: Rock solid evidence that arbitrage has a very bright future
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Jim has new evidence - arguably the strongest evidence we've ever seen that confirms our ongoing confidence in the viability, profitability and long term stability of both the online and retail "Arbitrage" model of selling on Amazon. The course continues to keep our students on the cutting edge of all profitable strategies for building a business on Amazon, and the latest facts about "RA & OA" give us renewed confidence in this model! Use the link below to watch this episode on youtube if you'd like (be sure to subscribe)!
Episode 159: Six tips to increase profits in your Amazon business
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How can I make my online sales business more profitable? In this episode Jim discusses proven concepts of how you can cut costs, improve margins and find the untapped opportunities that are right under your nose - all in the pursuit of growth and greater profitability in your Amazon business.
Numbers training and tool mentioned
Our Facebook group:
Episode 158: Getting an exclusive deal on Amazon with a great product
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Having a hot selling product that ONLY you can sell on Amazon is a dream come true, right? Perhaps the easiest way to make this happen is to build an "exclusive relationship" with a product owner who doesn't really "get" Amazon. The good news is, there are millions of products that fit this description and there are a lot of good reasons for a brand owner to agree to partner up with you! Let's talk about how to lock in these great relationships!
LINKS: Watch the free training Jim mentioned that helps you understand all Amazon's fees and know if you are profitable:
The tool that helps you know your numbers:
This topic being discussed in our FB group: - The Amazon selling course for any level of experience
Link to get Silent Sales Machine on Amazon:
Episode 157: Fail fast to succeed! Your biggest mistake likely is a success story in the making
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Meet Tim Jordan. Tim is a very successful coach on the team who was first introduced to online selling by the Proven Amazon Course. In this interview, Jim lets the conversation go in a personal direction which ends up loaded with wisdom. Right out the gate, we learn from both guys how personal failure is the perfect way to success. The biggest mistakes Tim has made in business lead to a discussion on simple testing strategies which bring big wins on Amazon. Don't miss this exciting interview highlighting the best strategies in sourcing.
Watch us on YouTube -- Guatemala trips info -- China trips info
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ASD at Vegas sign up
Business Secrets From the Bible book by Daniel Lapin:
Episode 156: A simple choice with profound consequences for your business
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Today Jim explores a simple question. Your answer could spell either wild success, or abysmal failure for your business. What if you had the ability to know all marketing strategies and secrets? Would that be enough for you to succeed? Many would say "yes"! Do you agree? What skill (if any) is even more important for sustained victories as a business building warrior?
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ASD at Vegas sign up
Business Secrets From the Bible book by Daniel Lapin:
Episode 155: student from England has fostered 34 children!
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Today we meet stay home dad Neil Stevens who, along with his wife Tracy (and 4 biological children) have fostered 34 kids over the years! They've built an incredible legacy and Neil has been able to be home every step of the way thanks to his online business endeavors. Our community of business building warriors includes some very special people and each has an amazing story to tell! Neil is no exception. You'll be inspired by his heart and business strategies. This episode is also available on youtube - see link below.
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MST FB community (free to join!)
Our coaching program
Episode 154: Is it bad news for us when Amazon partners up with big brands?
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When Amazon partners up directly with major brand names does that spell bad news for sellers like us? Let's talk about it! Special guest Outlinematic. You can also enjoys todays show in video format on YouTube.
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You Tube link
Episode 153: Early 20s student selling seven figures
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Today we meet Proven Amazon Course student Hasan Hasmani. He started out sourcing products online to flip on Amazon and learned some valuable lessons on his way to building a seven figure business. From there he began making his own product and has now sold 5,000+ units of it as PRE-sale orders! This means his product isn't even made yet, but his customers are ravenously placing orders! You'll be inspired and encouraged by today's episode! Enjoy! As always, get all mentioned links at
Note: We held the interview to better suit business building timing so please disregard the dates.
Hasan's best performing ad on Facebook: (Hasan's website)
Hasan's Facebook group:
My Silent Team Facebook Group
Catch the episode on YouTube:
Episode 152: Which is the best Amazon business model?
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In this episode Jim compares the various business models that are taught in the (the PAC) course from the vantage point of which model is the most likely to see rapid profits, which model is the most stable long term, which model is most immune to competition and other ranking factors. Of course all of the models are low risk and low cost as well as highly scalable and flexible, BUT...not all of them have identical stability and profit potential! Let's talk about it! This episode is designed to help you decide which of the various strategies taught in the "PAC" is the best FIRST or NEXT model for you to pursue!
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The Youtube video that shows detail of the five factors:
Join the Facebook discussion that inspired this episode: The only Amazon training you'll ever need
Episode 151: The reality of a full-time ecommerce lifestyle
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As Jim comes up on celebrating sixteen years of being full time online he has valuable lessons for us about the reality of what life looks like when you have an online business. From managing your time to simply feeling like you are doing what you are called to do there is one basic trait that makes it all possible and keeps the adversity at bay. Join Jim today as he reveals the most important business asset that you have inside of YOU.
Stay updated with us on Facebook Messenger Jim's best selling book
My Silent Team Facebook group
Episode 150: Finding profitable items to sell
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This episode was recorded live in front of our Facebook community the link below allows you to join the discussion. On this show Jim lists and explains the handful of core strategies that we teach and use on our team to profitably source products to sell. While not a comprehensive list of all possible strategies, this list is a great summary of the sourcing tactics that we dive deep into inside the course.
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Episode 149: From battlefield warrior to business building warrior
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A battle tested soldier turned police officer put in his time and then set his sights on building a business online. Today we meet another one of the coaches from the team with an incredible "come from behind" story. Adrian Friday runs a thriving business on Amazon using creative wholesale strategies and is one of the most driven, knowledgeable and caring members of our team. He shares what it took for him to overcome the many obstacles he faced, as well as the specific strategies he's using right now to thrive in his online six figure business. Don't miss this episode on youtube if you have the chance to see it there as well (link below)
View this episode on youtube:
Proven Wholesale Course
Silent Sales Machine book on Amazon
My Silent Team Facebook group
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Episode 148: How does your learning style effect your ability to succeed in online business?
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Anyone with any learning style can launch and grow a successful business, but different learning styles each come with unique benefits and weaknesses that you should be aware of. The architects of our educational materials are fully aware of these differences and we accommodate them all! Learn how to overcome your learning style weaknesses as well as your personality limitations and thrive in online business on today's episode. Today's episode was also recorded as a video. Use the link below to view the episode and check out the bonus vid. Guest: Delia Ursulescu
Get show notes at
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Listen and watch on YouTube at this link. (Note the screen share was off during the presentation but please view the below video to see the material discussed)
BONUS material... Getting Started at PAC 2.0 eLearning Platform video just for you.
Listen and watch on YouTube at this link
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Ryan's book due out soon:
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Episode 147: Another multiple income stream success story
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From owning a small struggling furniture business to managing a flexible lifestyle and multiple income streams. Meet Ryan and Melane Reger. Their online income journey began with simply selling furniture on craigslist, but now they are established leaders in our community and they've got a great story to tell! Ryan is also helping manage our groups for 2018! This episode also available on youtube. See the link below.
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Learn more about the Legends Group
Ryan's book due out soon:
Sign up for the waiting list for Ryan's book and be the first to know the exact moment it is out:
Hear all episodes at
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Episode 146: Our best selling book is free for a few days only (mini episode)
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Perhaps the all time best selling book about building a creative, sustainable, robust income using the internet is the very book that this podcast is named after! We estimate there have been over 1million readers! Of course it's the "Silent Sales Machine" book. The good news is, for the next few days ANYONE can grab the book for FREE. Use this link to get access to the downloadable "kindle" version NOTE: You don't need a kindle to read this free download version! You can read the book on ANY digital device or computer. This promo runs from Tuesday Oct 23 at 4AM ET until Saturday, October 27, 2018, 11:59 PM PDT
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Get the book free for five days here:
Did you miss the promotion? Use the same link - the book will still be marked down to only a few dollars!
Todays episode is also a youtube video!
Episode 145: Went broke with a franchise, found Amazon & is now thriving
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In this episode we meet husband, father and entrepreneur JB Brown. He's a member of our free Facebook community (link to join us below) and he's had a wild ride to success. He shares how he was nearly scammed, how he lost all he had in a franchise business adventure and then how he's found new purpose and wild success thanks to the Amazon and ecommerce opportunities that we teach in our community. You'll hear about importing from China & Guatemala, strategies for building an audience and other great tips for business success in this content packed episode.
Take a trip to Guatemala for China with Hickory Flats? Details here
My Silent Team Facebook group
Episode 144: A rant about financial advice from Dave Ramsey
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Dave Ramsey endorsed one of Jim's books a few years ago, and Jim is a big fan of Dave's ministry of helping people get out of debt. In this episode however, Jim has a challenge for Dave's organization based on some advice that Dave is passing out frequently on his call in radio show. This is as close as you'll probably ever see to a "rant" from Jim - we are eager to hear what you think!
Catch the podcast on You Tube here book - The $5 book that has helped thousands of people launch a business online book - the book of Jim's that Dave endorsed - the best selling course in the world that gets you started selling online
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Episode 143: From broke to a huge business flipping retail finds
Flipping retail store finds for big profits has NEVER been hotter than it is right now. Today we meet our RA (retail arbitrage) team leader Danny Stock. He's heading up our groups and was a huge hit at our recent big event! You'll love his story of going from having so little cash that he used quarters to fill up his gas tank to being a leading voice of Amazon training in our exploding community. Don't miss this episode! View this episode on youtube as well here: book
MST Facebook group
Link to Danny's book on Amazon:
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Episode 142: Which "educational philosophy" best ensures online business success?
Episode 140: If I only had 10 minutes to help you succeed online
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If our host Jim Cockrum had only ten minutes to give you advice that would virtually guarantee your success with an online business, this episode is what he would tell you. We are in a very unique time in human history, and those who recognize it and take advantage have a HUGE advantage in the online marketplace. Literally EVERY successful student of as well as every moderator, coach and leader in our community understands and takes advantage of the simple strategy Jim reveals in this short episode.
Silent Sales Machine book
Proven Amazon Course
Continue the discussion on Facebook here (membership required - free)
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Episode 139: Universities using
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Today we meet an instructor at Missouri State University, Dana Fredrick who is excitedly introducing concepts from the Proven Amazon Course into the classroom at Missouri State University. As a fellow business building warrior I thought you'd be interested to hear the perspective of someone from a "traditional" educational institution on how they view Ecommerce opportunities and specifically how they are applying the PAC to their entrepreneurship educational program. We are in talks with a good handful of universities right now and will have more updates for you soon on this rapidly developing story. We were honored when Dana sought us out to talk about the MSU vision for producing successful entrepreneurs using our content. Increasingly, PAC is establishing itself as the cutting edge content of choice in the Amazon selling space!
Youtube video of the recording
Silent Sales Machine "The $5 book that started it all for tens of thousands of successful online entrepreneurs"
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Episode 138: Online business success: what 50,000 people know that you don't
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In this episode Jim updates us on the incredible 50,000 member strong community of business building warriors who are raising the bar on the entire "online business" industry one success story at a time. It's free to join them and check it out - you've never seen anything like it because there's nothing like it in the world! He also reveals the plans for the new headquarters being built and how you can come see us soon in our new facilities!
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Episode 137: Walk into stores and walk out with profit
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Quite possibly the lowest hanging fruit business model that we teach is our RA (aka Retail Arbitrage) strategy of sourcing profitable products either ONLINE or through walk-in retail stores. You've heard from numerous members of our community in past episodes that have talked about their wild success in this arena, and now as we approach "Q4" (the fourth quarter of the year) we are more excited than ever about the sourcing forecast for sellers! This episode will equip you with strategies and tools to ensure a wildly profitable "Q4". - get the best retail and online sourcing strategies in the world
Blog post about the supposed "death of retail arbitrage":
Facebook post about "what to say to store clerks with questions":
Podcast episode about the ethics of "arbitrage" (buy low/sell high): SSMR episode #21
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Episode 136: Single mom builds five figure monthly biz on Amazon
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Episode 135: $2 million in sales this year simply selling wholesale on Amazon by himself
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Using only the wholesale training found inside the course Zac has built an incredible business in a very short time. He's just left his full-time career as a professional CPA and he's now able to be home with his wife and 2 year old daughter (with a little boy on the way soon!). He shares exactly how he did it and has plenty of tips for both seasoned and new sellers. As always, get links to everything discussed at (includes the wholesale training and the PPP training that Zac mentions on today's show) (the latest news on how our community is benefiting greatly as we help build the top toy brand online) - using Facebook creatively to grow a massive audience rapidly
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Episode 134: From homeless to homeowner because of ProvenAmazonCourse?
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Today we meet new author Carolyn McFall. She's become a true source of inspiration and leadership in our community with a thriving online business, but not all that long ago she was homeless. Today we'll hear her story and hear how she's been able to get out of tens of thousands of dollars of debt and go on to purchase an amazing home for her three kids! This is a heartwarming and inspirational story that you don't want to miss!
On stage with Jim at CES
Carolyn's book
Carolyn's inspirational mentor from our community, Nancy Alexander
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Episode 133: A simple strategy for uncovering huge business ideas
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Jim demonstrates today that 1+1=5 and reveals how this simple fact can put money in your pocket! Also a couple of great letters from listeners who are benefiting in big ways from our community.This episode also includes a segment from our great sponsor Helium 10.
Stay updated with us on Facebook Messenger to grab our live feed of the conference - get paid to help local businesses with their internet business strategies - The Dynasty Toys 2018 opportunity explained in detail
Episode 132: The knowledge in your head can get you cash!
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Introducing! If you are a student of using the Internet to build a business - regardless of your success and experience level, then you can be sure that you know far more than virtually all small business owners. The knowledge you have is invaluable to these biz owners and on today's show three awesome guests join Jim to tell you exactly how they do it! Finding a small handful of clients to work with is straight forward, and the income can be fantastic as you help small businesses grow using the skills you already have! (Guests include Mike LeMoine, Chris Leake and Daniel Leake)
Stay updated with us on Facebook Messenger episode #30 with Mike LeMoine
Episode 131: From laid off to seven figures selling on Amazon
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Tim worked for decades as a loyal and very successful retail manager until it all vanished one day. Fortunately, his wife Julie had recently purchased the course, and together they built a seven figure business to replace their income! Hear the full story of how Tim and Julie Simmons built an incredible business form the ground up using "the PAC" and even went on to hire 3 of their children as well who help run the business that continues to grow every month! Four of them will be joining us at as well!
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Episode 130: A community of business building warriors is something special
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On today's show Jim explores the landscape of content that's available to online business building warriors and compares our content, training and perks to the other options available in the "online biz" landscape. As usual, all links mentioned can be found at
(Our Facebook group, our best selling book and our mailing list)
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Episode 129: Making your first $100 online & what comes next
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On today's show we'll talk about our "put $100 in the bank" strategies and tell you what ALWAYS comes next once you get rolling! We hope you are challenged, encouraged and equipped by the simple message! - our best selling course - the book that started it all
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Episode 128: While struggling daily to find drinking water, can you still build an online biz? Yes!
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Could you build a thriving online business if you were also struggling daily to find clean water for your family...for months? That's what Bernardo and Floudia have done! In late 2017 a devastating hurricane tore through Puerto Rico and wiped out most utilities for nearly everyone on the island. With spotty cellular service, no electricity for months, and even a struggle to find clean water this family persisted...and grew a thriving online business in the midst of it all. If you love to hear about people overcoming the odds, you'll love today's episode and there are great lessons about finding wholesale product you can flip on Amazon as well! All links mentioned can be found at by referencing today's episode (how Bernardo gets his products ranking so well on Amazon)
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Episode 124: Finding your "ideal work" using Internet business strategies
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In this episode Jim identifies the factors that go into finding your ideal work. Do you have an ideal work situation? Are you where you want to be in regards to income, situation, location, work fulfillment and doing work that you find meaningful? If not, could building an Internet based business be the solution?
This episode was recorded live as a video in our Facebook group. Come hang out with us using the link below and see the video that goes with this episode. Join the discussion! See that video of this episode here:
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Episode 123: Dominating the top 10 in Toys & Games with our products through Facebook offer ads
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In this episode Brett Bartlett and Steven Deaton discuss Facebook offer ads. Brett has been using them lately with stunning success. In fact, he's been able to get our products to #1 in Toys and Games on Amazon, which means selling 1,000s of units per day. At one point, we had two products in the top 5 and three in the top 10 and are fairly confident in being able to repeat it. You'll love Brett's take and bits of wisdom about how we are doing it.
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FB discussion about our #1 spot in Toys & Games
How to Set up Facebook Ads video
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Episode 122: How you can have a conversation with seven million people?
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How do you have a conversation with 7 million people and sell out of your products again and again? Facebook + our Proven Audience Formula (PAF) strategies. We continue to see amazing results in our Facebook marketing efforts as we are building massive audiences who are eager to hear from us. Our team is pioneering these strategies and sharing them with you.
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MST Facebook Group
Episode 121: WOW! Our product just became the number one toy on Amazon! 1000+ units daily!
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You read that right -the #1 best selling toy on is OURS and in this episode we tell you how YOU benefit from the success we are seeing as well as how we did it. Also covered: Who are you listening to for advice about online selling and what standards you should have for deciding where to invest to truly grow your business?
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Facebook post about #1 top selling toy on Amazon
Proven Audience book
Episode 119: Deleted Recording
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We apologize for the inconvenience but we have removed this episode. Please click on another episode to get great online business selling content!
Episode 118: Building an Amazon business from Alaska
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Legend's group link
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Episode 117: The million dollar ideas passing you by daily
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The "ball toss" video:
Episode 116: From knowing nothing to a 1/2 million business on Amazon in 3 years
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Episode 115: A small budget guide to big success online
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The two buckets brain teaser on MST
Episode 112: Escaping an Abusive Relationship using Amazon
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Meet Tammie. Not too long ago she was in an abusive relationship that she had long desired to escape. She summoned up the courage to get away along with her four kids, and now she uses Amazon to pay the bills. You'll be encouraged and inspired by this episode as she shares her journey. (How to become an affiliate)
My Silent Team Facebook group
Tammie's comments in the group that started it all!
Episode 111: Simplify Private Label (PL) using promotional companies
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You've never heard of this idea before! On today's show Christi Michelle joins Jim to discuss how she uses promotional companies to find virtually unlimited, high-profit private label product opportunities. Promo companies are the companies that typically supply marketers with things like custom printed mugs or pens, but Christi has tapped into a goldmine of opportunities with very nice profit margins! You'll definitely want to check out her new course at after this episode!
Join in the discussion on Facebook: click here
Episode 110: Family builds million dollar Amazon biz together
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Today we meet a married couple (Bob and Kelli) who have six kids and have grown a multi-million dollar business selling primarily retail arbitrage style online! After a post they made a few weeks ago in our forum exploded with comment, we decided they'd make a great guest on the show! We share plenty of sourcing tips, and encouragement on this episode - enjoy! Notes are at
Get paid to tell others about our podcast, our free Facebook group or our other products and courses!
The discussion Kelli started on our Facebook group announcing the million dollar year on Amazon: - the best selling "how to sell on Amazon" course in the world! - Jim's book
Episode 108: The one thing that separates those who succeed from those who fail
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Over the years I've observed many people who have succeeded seemingly easily with an online business, and I've seen many who just can't seem to get going no matter what strategy or technique they deploy. It's not your intelligence, your tools, your cash, your education or your determination that matters nearly as much as this ONE single factor that I reveal in this simple episode. Deploy this strategy and you'll be unstoppable.
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Episode 107: 2018 Amazon Seller Forecast & Success Stories
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Today Jim tells us his forecast for Amazon and FBA sellers in 2018 - and it's a very bright forecast! He also shares about the dangers of isolation in Internet business as well as several success stories! Next he reminds us to mark August 23-35 2018 on our calendars for CES VI in Indianapolis, IN (Tickets go on sale early Spring 2018).
Stay updated with us on Facebook Messenger (will be updated soon with CESVI details)
Recent testimonial links in our free public Facebook group:
First 500 day post
Lisa $2,000 day celebration - 430 like clicks etc.
Over $1,000 in sales in first 20 days
Jane "the Overcomer" has a $20k month
Excited about firsts $1,000 day
Hit $1,000 day after starting just a couple months ago
Finally broke $10K in a month
Finally broke $15K in a month
First sale - community celebrates:
First four days as a seller - $1,100
Trevor bought PAC - so many celebrated with him:
Peter goes fulltime and the community celebrates
First $100 day
Big month over 230 responses loving PAC
Goal of $7k hit $10k
Episode 106: Optimize your Amazon listings for maximum sales and results
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What small changes can you make to your Amazon listings to increase sales? How can you know you are using the right keywords? Today Karon Thackston joins us to discuss some of the simple strategies we use to ensure that we are attracting as many qualified prospects and buyers as possible to our Amazon listings.
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Karon's book:
Save $10 with this code: jim20aa
Episode 105: Our $700K single day was a nice way to celebrate our 15th year online!
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Our team just celebrated the single biggest day of sales EVER at the same time I was celebrating my 15th year of going full time online! We also nearly had the #1 top selling toy on Amazon U.S. one day last week! It's a great story! In today's episode I encourage you to believe that big things are possible because others are already doing it! If you aren't where you want to be just yet with your online business career, 2018 is the year to make it happen! There's NEVER been a better time to jump in. Be the hero of your story - be a business building warrior - we are here to help make that happen! All links and resources mentioned can be found at
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15 year anniversary post on Facebook
Facebook post about our recent shot at having the #1 toy on Amazon
Episode 104: Shout out to the biz building single moms who amaze us all
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A recent Facebook thread inspired this episode. We also have a link to a mom who went from a battered women's shelter all the way to getting out of tens of thousands of debt...and buying a home for her and her kids. Business building warrior moms amaze me and I tell you about a few of them today. Single moms who build anyway - you inspire us all!
Our My Silent Team Facebook group discussion
You need to become a member to view the discussion
Link to Carolyn's Youtube video
Episode 103: Building an Amazon business from the middle of Mexico?
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Today we meet Proven Amazon Course student Hector Sosa. He lives in Mexico and and speaks English only as a second language, but he's built an incredible business on Amazon! Today's story of multiple income streams will inspire and motivate you!
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Spanish Speaking Amazon Course:
Hector's blog: - the book Hector read to get a multiple income stream mindset - the course Hector used to get started!
Episode 102: Amazon Merch updates and our three day Merch event videos
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Today we get some updates on the ever evolving, ever improving t-shirt platform of Amazon called "Merch". Back in episode #68 we met Chris Green - a leading "Amazon Merch" expert. It was great welcoming him back to the show for more tips and updates!
A short time ago we conducted a three day event with Chris focused ONLY on creative Merch success strategies! People traveled from around the world to attend and paid thousands! If you are into Merch (or want to be), note that you temporarily get 70% off the price of the full event videos from our three day event by visiting and use the coupon code "shirt" (no quotes). We could pull that promo at any time - don't wait!
Stay updated with us on Facebook Messenger coupon code "shirt" at check-out gets you 70% off!
Listen to podcast #68 Let's Talk Amazon Merch
Episode 101: Only 17 and earning more per day than I did in a week full-time at his age
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After watching his Dad for 15 years earn a steady seven figures from multiple online related strategies, Trey (Jim’s son) started diving in to online business a few years ago and at the age of 17 has built an incredible multiple income stream empire all of his own. It's not on Amazon or eBay, but through other creative channels. On this show Jim and Trey discuss the businesses that Trey is running, what motivates him and the family dynamics of living in an entrepreneurial home.
After listening to this show please take our short survey at to help us know what other topics you’d like for us to discuss in regards to digital products, entrepreneurial families & multiple online income streams.
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Trey's "Seek The Light Facebook" group for photographers
Here is the link to How to Monetize through Video that Trey mentioned in the video
The Facebook post where over 1,000 from our 'MySilentTeam' community asked me to interview Trey
Want to hear more from Trey and Jim’s team on digital marketing? Take our survey here:
Here's a link to a picture of Trey and I just after this interview ended: Trey and Jim
Episode 100: The latest update to our best seller - Silent Sales Machine 10.0
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It's episode #100! We've made this one special - it's story time! We hope you enjoy the story of how one small decision lead to the foundation that's been used to build thousands of successful online businesses around the world...and we hope you are the next one to benefit from this story!
Also, we've just launched the latest version of the all time best selling book about how to use the internet to build an incredible business. The first version of the 'Silent Sales Machine' was sold in 2002, and as we approach 2018 the BRAND NEW 10th edition is our best update ever! Grab a copy now for only $5 at Notes at
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Episode 99: An Amazing online business in spite of sickness and mobility challenges
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Meet Lisa Morrison Larson. She's a coach on the team, a success story, and she hosts a free, live video show every week in our free MySilentTeam Facebook community (we record them too of course!) You are going to love hearing her story as well as some awesome tips on how she has built an amazing business in spite of serious health challenges that keep her at home most of the time. On top of that, she's a single mom with young kids! This episode is also packed with online sourcing strategies that will help all Amazon FBA, eBay and online sellers find highly profitable items! The team we've built is incredible - and we love introducing you to each of them! As always -show notes are - please leave us a review on you preferred listening network!
Stay updated on all of our Go Live training:
Lisa's Live Show Notification:
My Silent Team Facebook group (look for #GoLiveLisa to see Lisa's shows)
Episode 98: Parenting and business - some practical tips
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This episode is off the typical topics of business building tips, but it's also a topic that comes up quite a bit when our family is around other business building families. At our recent CES live event it seemed like as many people talked to me about my kids and how we are educating and raising them as much as any other topic. In this episode I give a couple of practical tips for parenting your kids in a way that sets them up for success as an employee, or better yet in my humble opinion, as a business building warrior! If you don't have kids, this episode may not be for you, but for those who have been asking me to talk about this a bit, I hope you find these ideas practical and helpful! Show notes at
Stay updated with us on Facebook Messenger - we are seeing more and more families at our live events!
Episode 97: The opening live session from our annual big event
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Proven Audience Formula Current News: BRAND NEW Silent Sales Machine version 10 is ready soon - keep an eye out at
Interested in our high end mastermind? Send an email to [email protected] to inquire
This video tells you where we'll be in 2018 for our next big "CES" event: CES announcement
Facebook post picture of the thank you letters from Happy CESV Attendees
Episode 96: Our $8 figure business unveiled. Our exact products & strategies!
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Would you like to know EXACTLY what products we are going to sell 8 figures of in the next 3 months (on and off Amazon)? Would you like to see PROOF? Would you like to see the exact SIMPLE ads we are running and how we are building huge audiences over and over again for multiple products, events, services and small businesses? This episode reveals all. We think this will be a VERY popular episode of Silent Sales Machine Radio as we explain our "PAF" strategy! (See
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Our most recent video that got 4 million views in a couple week.
Cambria, Brett and the spider - Our "closing soon" Proven Audience Formula Certification class - buy the CES Orlando event videos on that page soon! - our free Facebook group that just passed 41,000 members! - The book that started it all!
Episode 95: You are not meant to be alone
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Are you ever a bit lonely in your business? Do you find yourself wishing you had someone to bounce ideas off of? We are NOT designed to tackle business or life alone! Let's talk about it! In this episode Jim recaps some of the powerful moments and lessons from our most recent annual live event. CES 2017 was our 5th annual event which took place in Orlando FL. As the reviews roll in, clearly this was the BEST CES ever!
Notes at
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Videos of the CES event:
Our 40,000+ member FREE Facebook group!
MST FB group world map (
Join our team and learn exactly how we are using simple Facebook video
Watch Jim interrupt Chris Green in front of 600 people!
Free Amazon Merch Training Course (use coupon code "Chris" at check out - no quotation marks!)
Episode 94: Finding hot retail inventory for the fourth quarter
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Guess what time it is?! Yes it's Q4! In this super short episode Jim talks about the last three months of the year - which is when online shoppers go CRAZY and the retail stores begin to feed us as online sellers a never ending wave of profitable inventory! Online selling warriors need to get ahold of as much valuable, profitable inventory as possible for Q4 - and now is the time to do it! In this episode, Jim explains the mechanics of the strategy. These are our popular small sourcing groups that we do each year. Remember, timing is everything. You can spend lots of valuable time researching by digging out this information on your own or you could instead serve the market with speed getting items listed and SOLD instead of wasting time researching! Just one great tip from our Q4 groups and your membership is paid for! We'll be posting a steady stream of deals though - you'll run out of money before you run out of profitable deals! Q4 here we come!
Episode 93: Join us via livestream for our Sept. 2017 event in Orlando
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Today we discuss how you can join us for our annual live big event in Orlando Sept 20-23rd! The event has been sold out for months, but we have decided to set up livestream access!
Even if you can't watch all the sessions live, please note that you get instant access to all recordings indefinitely in our private CES Live Stream Facebook group and you also get our full recordings once the event is over (live steam uses different cameras than our professional recording equipment).
We surveyed our community to see if they were interested, and we heard from hundreds of listeners who said you wanted to join us! See the discussion where this conversation started using the link to the MST community in the show notes below.
Get the details here:
The Facebook conversation that got us talking about providing live stream (you need to join the group to view the discussion):
Our presenting sponsor:
Episode 92: A simple free search on Linkedin that reveals awesome inventory for sellers
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Today Jim is joined once again by Teresa Rose. She's an incredible coach on our team who quickly became recognized for her wholesale sourcing expertise after her last appearance on the show back in episode #39 (listen to that show if you missed it - she showed us how to use simple Amazon searches to uncover golden opportunities!) Teresa and Jim discuss how simple searches on Linked In can uncover virtual gold mines of opportunity for online sellers - from the comfort of home!
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Episode 91: 21 year old earning $100K+ net with his part-time Amazon biz
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Today you'll meet a kid who started selling on Amazon when he was 18 and has since gone on to build an incredibly profitable and VERY simple business. Listen in as I chat with Levi Pendergrass and I'm positive you'll be inspired by the business building tips we discuss in this episode!
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Teresa Rose on This simple Amazon search that reveals 1,000's of profitable products! episode #39
Episode 90: From construction work & zero online experience to an incredible Amazon business
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Today we are joined by coach Abe Ortolani! Just a few short years ago Abe was full time in the construction industry until he was injured and forced to do something else for a living. You'll be inspired by this story of how he pushed through the beginner challenges he faced and went on to build an incredible business! Better yet, we have some great strategies for you in the arena of bundling, private label and basic product sourcing! Get ready to be challenged and encouraged towards success in your own online business!
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My Silent Team Facebook Group
Hear Jim and Ryan talk about how simple Private Label can be on this episode - episode #40 - get Abe as your coach, or use one of our other great coaches!
Episode 89: Millions of views on any offer or site for a few dollars. Our proven formula.
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We have a problem and we need your help. We are getting literally swamped with queries about our Facebook strategies that are generating success story after success story on Amazon, on Amazon Merch, in Facebook groups and in local small businesses (and more!). On today’s show we go through several success stories with specifics, and then we have an invitation for you.
We are in the process of recruiting a handful of people to join us in learning these strategies so we can properly serve the long line of clients coming at us begging to be let in on our secrets!
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My Silent Team Facebook Group
Listen to this episode, and then visit to find out if we are still recruiting help!
Previous episodes
How Brett Turned $40 into an 8 Figure Business Episode #2
Spend $10 and Uncover Hidden Gold Mines. A Chat with My 8 Figure Selling Partner Brett Bartlett Episode #16
Unless You've Sold Tens of Millions on Amazon Listen Up! Episode #31
Simple Facebook Videos that Attract Prospects of Any Company Episode #60
Episode 88: Two steps all internet business success stories have in common
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On today's show Jim shares some of the most exciting success stories from our community and tells you what made these creative winners so successful! There are two common elements to virtually every success story, and if you can master these two simple concepts - you'll be unstoppable!
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Text "Jim" to 313131 in the U.S. for PAF updates - to get videos episode #68 is all about Merch with Chris Green
PAC = - our comprehensive Amazon selling course
PPP = (a module in the PAC that teaches you to partner with brand owners and help them sell online)
Episode 87: Success with an online business from Jamaica? Yes!
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It truly doesn't matter where you live, or what your background is when it comes to succeeding online with an Amazon or online selling business. Today I hang out with a couple of great guys who have incredible stories. Our community is FULL of great stories like these, and we hope it encourages you! First up we have Barrington who had lived in Jamaica his whole life. He started out with the course and went on to build an empire online from the tiny island! You can hear the first recording I ever had with him at the top of the Proven Amazon Course website.
Next we talk to Lance Wolfe. He started out selling a few books on Amazon and then really grew from there into a healthy seven figure business through unique partnerships!There are plenty of great tips and lessons in today's show! Enjoy!
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Step away from the keyboard to succeed online (episode #11 of SSMR) (it's included in the course) Jim's keynote presentation at ASD in 2016 (link to episode #1) Facebook Group
Episode 86: Are you new to Amazon selling? This will inspire you for sure.
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Today we meet Angel Crush. She's a very active moderator in the Facebook community and she's got a heart of gold. She uses a very simple strategy to find profitable items to sell on Amazon and used the funds from her first year of success to take her family of 20 to Disney World! This episode isn't as much about business as it is about family and what is possible on even the smallest of starting budgets.
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My Silent Team Facebook Group
Episode 85: Does profanity have a place in business? Does it really matter?
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As always, our show is kid friendly and this episode is no exception. Jim discusses why he and millions of others choose not to consume business training and content from those who regularly use profanity. What is a "bad" word anyway? Why does it even matter? Aren't you more "authentic" when you use profanity properly? Can the words you use actually impact your online business? Regardless of your world view or opinions on profanity, you can use these simple concepts to improve your life...and your business!
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Daniel Lapin "Perils of Profanity - You are what you speak" post where this discussion began - join us
Episode 84: From bankrupt to a $100K year his FIRST year of online selling
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Today Jim interviews one of the coaches who was literally bankrupt when he purchased the course not so long ago. Starting with virtually no resources, Ian went on to build an incredible business - so much so that we asked him to come help coach on our team! There are multiple tips and creative strategies as well in this episode - enjoy!
Receive Facebook Messenger Notifications For New Episodes - Jeff's course
Camelcamelcamel - free tool for amazon sellers
My Silent Team Facebook group
The Amazon report that tells you the hottest items you've ever sold Our coaching program
Episode 83: Building a seven figure Amazon Private Label biz from scratch the easy way
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Today we meet Ashley Kinkead. She started out just two short years ago with a couple dead end jobs, but now she has a seven figure business on Amazon. We'll talk about her journey and the relatively simple strategies she's used to find extreme success! You'll also hear some great conversation about the power having the proper mindset about the word PROFIT and how vital that is when building any business.
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"Is it ethical to buy low and sell high?"
SSMR episode 21 (home of Ryan Reger's "Private Label The Easy Way" book)
Episode 40 with Ryan Reger about Private Label
How to find THE report on Amazon - the session report post on Facebook
Rabbi Daniel Lapin who teaches to multimillion dollar companies timeless truths of guaranteed business success. His interviews in two parts: episode 23 and episode 24
Episode 81: We've earned millions of dollars with a simple mind hack
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Have you been mislead into thinking "passion" comes before "profit"? Here's a mind hack and a simple tip that will put money in the bank regardless of your current "passions". It's time to find an eager audience and serve them well!
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My Silent Team Facebook group
Additional listening to find passionate "gaps" on Amazon:
Billy Monnier episode 48
Glyn Kennedy episode 72
Episode 80: A simple conversation that will put thousands in the bank
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Today's guest was given the Proven Amazon Course a little over a year ago, and WOW did he take the ball and run with it! James found the module inside the PAC course to be the best fit for his business and since then he's had simple conversations with several brand owners and built a steady five figure empire - using multiple Amazon accounts! This was a fun episode with some powerful motivation and simple strategies that ANY business building warrior can use to expand their income streams!
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Facebook post and conversation where Jim announces the gift to James (you will need to be a member of the my Silent Team group to view the comments) aka PPP
(a module in the course that we talked about) aka PPI
(another module in the course that we talked about) (aka "CES")
Episode #1 of (Jim's keynote address at ASD)
Episode 79: We just nearly had a $200,000 day - here's how!
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My partners Nathan, Brett and I almost just nailed a $200K day which set a new record for a non-fourth quarter day! Here's how we did it! About 70% was physical product sales (Amazon, eBay, Shopify Facebook direct sales), about 26% was our weekly compiled coaching/consulting income, and the rest was course sales & info products. I was totally wiped out from a long hard day when I recorded this midnight episode, but there are some great announcements and exciting tips I just HAD to share about our big day - come celebrate with me and check it out!
Receive Facebook Messenger Notifications For New Episodes - CES tickets (if you are a coaching student or a buyer of please email support to get your discount code! [email protected])
Jason Miles Podcast Episode 8 Jim's book - price goes up soon!
Episode 78: Your first $1000 month & a trend we are seeing in our group
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This episode has a valuable lesson for all online business builders, but if you've yet to put $1000 in the bank in a single month, this short episode is especially for you.
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Silent Sales Machine - Jim's book
Episode 77: What are the minimum "tech" skills you need to succeed?
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Our students frequently ask us our opinion on the basic technical skill set they will need in order to succeed with an online business. Fortunately, it's a pretty short skillset and in this episode we review exactly how unskilled you can be and still succeed wildly as an internet business building champion. This mini-episode will encourage you that you do have what it takes and you can build an incredible business online even if you are technically challenged.
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Silent Sales Machine -- Jim's book
Episode 75: From $0 to $1million in Amazon sales with no prior experience
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Eric recently left a post in the "Silent Sales Machine" radio Facebook group about his Amazon selling experience and after reading it I knew I had to get him on the show. He's working full time at his real job (that he LOVES) while also selling thousands weekly on Amazon. He uses a very simple wholesale sourcing strategy that has worked eleven of the first 12 times he used it - and you won't believe how easy it is! He's finding new profitable products constantly! You'll be encouraged by the simplicity of today's show. This episode is for those who are new AND those who have been around awhile, but are looking for a new simple ideas for locating exciting profitable, easily restocked products to sell online.
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Eric's original post on Facebook
Teresa Rose episode of podcast (wholesale strategies from the course): episode #39
RevSeller tool - the $5 book that Eric started with
Episode 74: Jim (our host) just lost his house to a fire. This is his first episode AFTER the loss.
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Do you have a business that can withstand the "crazy stuff" life throws at you? Have you built margin into your business? Today I'll talk about the loss of our house a few days ago to a lightening strike fire - but my businesses continues to grow because I follow the 'Silent Sales Machine' business strategies! I'll also go over the specific three step strategy that will ensure that YOU build a sustainable online based income model as well.
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See the fire damage and hear Jim's take on it literally minutes after the fire was put out: Facebook video
The book of how Jim built his multiple income streams:
Episode 73: 2 minute episode! Can a total loss house fire slow down my business?
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2 minute summary: Do you have a business that can withstand the "crazy stuff" life throws at you? We just lost our house to a fire, but everyone is safe, and my business is growing! This show explains why. There's a full episode near this one where I share the exact strategies I've used - this is only a brief overview to help you decide if you'll listen to the full episode (located right next to this recording).
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See the fire damage and hear Jim's take on it literally minutes after the fire was put out: Facebook video
The book of how Jim built his multiple income streams:
Episode 71: A single dad with 7 kids in a tiny town finds loads of incredible local inventory to sell online
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What can I find locally and sell online for great profits? Meet Jeff Clark of He is a man on a mission. He lost his wife suddenly a few years ago as they were just beginning to grow an online business together, but Jeff pressed on in spite of losing the love of his life. With the support of his incredible seven children, they've gone on to build an amazingly simple, yet highly profitable business. There are plenty of specific sourcing tips in this episode as Jeff tells stories of his adventures buying locally and selling to the world - all from a town of less than 5,000 people!
Receive Facebook Messenger Notifications For New Episodes Jeff's course
The Sourcers Apprentice Facebook Group Jeff's Facebook Support Group
Sourcer’s Apprentice II – Sourcing and Selling Vinyl Albums Jeff's book
Episode 70: All about your Amazon Merch income stream in under 5 minutes
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This is a mini episode dedicated to the topic of Amazon merch. Amazon merch is the T-shirt selling service that is an easy add-on income stream for all of us. Recently, on episode 68 we talked about this topic for 80 minutes, but many of you said that it was such a long episode that you never got around to listening to it! In response, we recorded a super-short episode (this one) that will help you decide if this is a topic you should dive into. This is a great episode to share with anyone who is looking for a simple add-on income stream that costs them nothing to start.
Episode #68 is all about merch for 80 minutes!
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Details about the program at Amazon - get it free with coupon code word "Chris"
Episode 69: Is this the best online business success coaching program in the world?
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Would you like some one-on-one help with your business ideas? Let's talk! Since 2002 my team and I have been helping online entrepreneurs like you build incredible businesses. We have stacks of success stories, and we'd love to tell you more about what you can expect when you call us to talk about it. Today we meet Jim Cooper who is the director of our consultants and coaches for and we share some great ideas that we are excited about as well as some tips for working with a coach.
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Amazon's Reimbursement Guide
Cooper's Greenbay Packers Facebook group (Go Pac Go!)
Episode 68: Let's Talk Amazon Merch
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In this extended episode we talk to a Merch expert as well as a coach in our community who are both very knowledgeable about Merch! Merch is really heating up and it's a pretty simple biz model too. All you have to do is submit simple t-shirt design ideas to Amazon (free) and they wait for sales to be made. You get paid a nice profit for each sale! While we don't consider Merch a great income model on its own just yet, we do think it's a great add on stream of income for anyone who wants to dive into custom printed shirts on the number one shirt selling website in the U.S. -!
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Chris' Merch Facebook group - use code "Chris" to get the course for free
Episode 67: The winners of our podcast launch contest announced and interviewed!
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When Silent Sales Machine Radio first launched we had a contest to see who could refer us the most listeners. As it turned out, Stephen Smotherman, Jordan Malik and Karon Thackston were our top three performers and better yet, each of them are Amazon and online selling experts with some golden tips! In this episode we do a brief interview with each of them and pass the best of their best tips on to you along with some resources from each of them. Enjoy this packed episode guaranteed to entertain and educate! We are so appreciative of the huge support we receive for this show and these three partners lead the charge in helping us launch!
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Resources mentioned:
How to be an affiliate of Jim Cockrum also known as PAC - our 2017 CES event
Stephen Smotherman Interview free email marketing course included with purchase Stephen's blog please use coupon code - silentjim
Camel Camel Camel
Jordan Malik Interview
Karon Thackston Interview
Karon's book Review Advantage
Karon's blog
Episode 66: Let's partner up - we are growing & looking for partners!
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Business is booming - and it's all thanks to creative partnerships. Our team is now well over 150 people, and we are finding incredible creative ways to make money together serving our delighted customers with numerous strategies! On top of all that 100's of incredible affiliates are promoting our products and services around the world and getting paid well to do so! This is a great time to be in the business we are in, and we are looking for even more growth! This episode goes in depth into the opportunities for you to be a coach, or get coaching, create a course with us, or sell your products with us, become a moderator or write a book with our self publishing team. You'll also get a peek into my "big picture" biz model that I use every day to grow my multiple income streams. Even if you are brand new to all of this, you'll enjoy seeing what it looks like to pursue multiple streams of online income for a living - while enjoying flexibility and purpose every step of the way!
Receive Facebook Messenger Notifications For New Episodes - Link to become an affiliate - 100's of 5 star reviews on Amazon - step into the "inner circle" of what we have going on around here
My Silent Team Facebook Group
Episode 65: If you are so good at selling why don't you just sell instead of teach?
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My partners and I have an 8 figure physical product business online. We could live VERY comfortably ONLY selling stuff to random strangers. Why don't we just do it then? Aren't we inviting competitors when we share our ideas and products publicly? One of the questions we get from time to time from new members of our community is this, "If you are so good at selling why do you teach instead of just selling?" It's a fair question, and on this episode, I answer all those questions!
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Jim's best selling book SilentSalesMachine
Our free Facebook group My Silent Team Facebook
Episode 64: The latest news on suspension risks and prevention on Amazon
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The Amazon opportunity has NEVER been brighter, nor have the opportunities on eBay, Facebook Marketplace and all other online selling platforms. That being said, there are some areas of caution you should be aware of as a seller. On this episode we talk with Scott Margolius about the latest Amazon suspension issues. Scott has helped hundreds of Amazon sellers get back their account after a suspension issue. The success rate is well over 90% in fact!
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Scott's blog
Scott's other recommended resource
Our free Facebook group for online business builders like you: My Silent Team Facebook
Episode 63: Selling physical products without touching them
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Selling physical products online from anywhere in the world DOES NOT mean you are in the business of touching boxes all day! Put down your tape gun and listen up online selling warrior! Today Jim talks to his favorite "Prep Partner". A prep partner is someone who receives your product and either stores it for you, or ships it to Amazon for you. For many sellers, this is a service that pays for itself almost instantly while freeing up loads of time for you to do what you do best - instead of spending days playing with box tape!
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Bullard's prep center
Our full list of known prep centers (endorsed providers are on top of this list) PDF download
More about the opportunity the Bullards offer
Episode 62: Mixing business and family as spouses who work together
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In episode #58 you heard Jim's wife Andrea join him as they discussed building a business while balancing business with family and the other more important parts of life. In that show we emphasized that sometimes only ONE of the two spouses works on the biz while the other does not. On TODAY's show however we dive deep with a married couple where they both work on the business together! There's an entirely different set of opportunities and challenges with this model, and we have plenty of inspiration for you regardless of your family situation because Larry and Sue Pruett are also coaches!
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Dream Dating: the Art of Dreaming with your Wife
PROMO code for the book : MSTPOD20 (the site Jim launched with Andrew Cavanagh as mentioned by Sue) - The site Jim is launching with Brett
Mike LeMoine Episode #30: A quick mindset shift that will stuff the wallet of any Amazon or eBay seller course (it's included in the
Episode 61: My ten year old business partner
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On today's show Jim's daughter Aven joined him in his office and they recorded a VIDEO as they made this episode. You can get a link to watch the full video in the show notes (listed near this description, or at The video was recorded live in the free Facebook group that accompanies this show. Several business lessons are mixed in with object lessons as Jim and Aven discuss some of the items in "dad's office" with the live viewing audience. You'll see Jim's new private label project, some of the big client products that Jim has worked on, and hear them interact with the live comments left by the facebook community that joined them.
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Watch the video uncut the way it happened: Facebook post - Death Wish Coffee story - our self publishing service books listed on the show: the Bible, then Lapin's "Biz Secrets from the Bible", Aaron Walkers "View from the Top", Ramsby's "A fight to Forgive", and Nancy Alexander's "My Journey through Fibromyalgia"
Episode 59: A quick mindset shift that stuffs your wallet. The FYA principle!
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There's one simple principle that just might be one of the best kept secrets of our success around here. You can call it a "mind hack" if you'd like. We call it our "F.Y.A." principle. Jim will explain it all in this mini episode. Without "FYA" your odds of success in ANY online venture are slim, however if you implement FYA you'll be virtually assured of having some degree of success and quite possibly WILD success! This principle explains why we are so excited about things like Amazon, Facebook, growing our audience of text opt-in subscribers and email opt-in subscribers etc. Applying the FYA principle virtually guarantees you'll succeed to some degree with any and all of your next projects online.
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Jim's book Silent Sales Machine
Our free Facebook group Silent Team Facebook Group
Episode 58: Balancing family & personal life with business as an online entrepreneur
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Today, Jim's wife Andrea joins him on the show and they talk about what it's like to balance the most important relationships in your life while launching, growing and thriving in an home-based internet business. They've been doing just that for 15 years with 5 kids - so I think you'll learn a thing or two from this one. Get ready to meet Jim's better half - this is a fun episode with plenty of actionable advice for anyone with a family or spouse that is more important to them then their business.
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Andrea on Facebook:
Andrea's art page:
Jim's personal page on Facebook:
Episode 57: Sourcing great products from China isn't as complex as you think
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Today Jim talks to an 8 figure Amazon selling pro who goes to China all the time to source highly profitable products he can resell online and on Amazon. Better yet, Jim's China sourcing expert guest takes others with him to help them find opportunity there as well! Selling online is a global opportunity, and today we take the complexity out of sourcing internationally! For a few dollars you could be sourcing and testing product after products on Amazon. Going to China isn't only for those ready to pace big orders! For a few hundred dollars you can easily test out anything! That's what Shawn does - he'll explain it all in this episode! We'll talk about avoiding counterfeit goods, when to use an agent instead of traveling to China, the success rate you can expect when traveling to China to source and how you can prepare for a trip. This is a packed episode!
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Episode 56: When do you need a lawyer as an online seller?
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As a successful and growing online selling warrior you'll probably eventually run into big ugly legal words like trademarks, copyrights and patents. There's no need to be intimidated though! We've got your back and we talk through it in depth in this episode packed full of real examples! The laws in the U.S. are specifically set up to protect free trade and sellers like us, however there are a few things to be aware of. On today's show Jim interviews a lawyer who has worked with over 100 amazon sellers as they've faced questions and legal challenges regarding their products. After this show you'll know when to use a lawyer and when to go it alone! Show notes and more at
Contact Jeff Breloski at 678.667.3491
The website
Trademark database:
Copyright database:
Jim's best selling book:
Episode 55: How fear and change can FUEL your online selling business
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You can use fear and uncertainty as tools to GROW your online business (or ANY business for that matter)! Change is inevitable, but the uncertainty of change is universal and inescapable, but it never needs to be paralyzing! Learn to leverage fear and change and make your business grow because of it! On Amazon, eBay and Facebook for example, there's constant change, but in that change lies MASSIVE opportunity for those who know how to face the uncertainty and thrive anyway!
The Facebook discussion about how cowardice and courage are both contagious!
KJ's rapid seven figure success story 'Silent Sales Machine Radio' episode #51 - Jim's best selling book
Episode 53: How to never waste money again on bad business ideas
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A five minute hack that changes everything. There's a short simple standard you can apply to your life. Let's call it a "hack". If you apply this standard you'll never again waste time or money on a scam or unprofessional "expert" who claims they know how to teach Internet business success. This is a super short episode, but it will save you potentially years of heartache, and it will put you on the incredible path of success that so many others are already on in our community.
Our book/course that has over 1,000 testimonials &
Our free Facebook group: Silent Team Facebook Group
Episode 52: Do this now, put money in the bank tomorrow
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Jim's short story today reveals a simple way to put money in the bank fast while skipping all the unnecessary steps that most of us try to add to the process of making money online. This true story illustrates perfectly how you can begin making a profit online with a scalable business a few hours from now if you want to!
Jim's best selling book SilentSalesMachine
Episode 51: A seven figure Private Label Amazon success story
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Private Label success does not have to be complicated! On this episode Jim talks to a guy who went from virtually broke to a massive seven figure private label success story and he tells you exactly how he did asking good questions! His product has now been featured on numerous mass-media outlets including Oprah Winfrey's "Favorite Things" list! He even sold 24,000 units in an hour at one point! This one is guaranteed to inspire you! - get started on Amazon, or grow your amazon business!
Episode 50: The things you'll have to unlearn before you'll succeed with a business
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Many of the most critical skills required in order to succeed as an online entrepreneur are actually pounded out of us by a traditional education model! That's right - your supposed "education" could be directly responsible for keeping you from business success! Today's show is all about the things that Jim had to unlearn before he could succeed in business. These thoughts are from the notes Jim is using to write an upcoming book, so please be sure to let us know what you think by visiting and sending us a comment - you could help shape our next book!
Jim's book Silent Sales Machine
Our free Facebook group Silent Team Facebook Group
Episode 49: How we grow prospect lists of 10s of thousands for any product
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We've sold millions of dollars of products in the past few months alone using some very simple strategies that we are going to tell you all about in this episode. We've looked high and low and no one else is teaching anything remotely like this - probably because it's just not all that complicated! Today we'll show you how short, simple, unedited videos that are created using any smartphone can lead you to the greatest asset you'll ever have - an audience who wants more! Once you realize that there's no investment required - the opportunities are endless.
Text the word "jim" to 313131 to stay up to date on the PAF course and learn what we are learning on our projects! No more than two texts per month - opt out anytime.
Our PAC course
Episode 48: Our 8 figure Amazon secret: Hunt for keywords, not products
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Once you know how to identify what shoppers are looking for on Amazon, you'll have a much easier time getting into hot niche markets as a seller! Today we talk with a guy who helped us build our 8 figure online selling empire! Billy Monnier is a coach with and one of our research experts who has uncovered multiple hot niche markets using our PPI ( system.
Our PPP course
Our free Facebook group: My Silent Team Facebook
Episode 47: When Amazon business success meets family success
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Today Jim conducted a POWERFUL coaching call and with permission he recorded it for us! This recording contains everything from specific strategies for Amazon success to email marketing strategies and even an emotionally inspirational success story! This episode has everything! Inspiration, instruction and a success story that you'll be sharing with your friends later because it's so powerful!
Raul Jr's book Amazon link
YouTube Video for book promo: YouTube video
The course Raul Jr. took to learn to publish kid's books
The publishing service Jim owns
Proven Private Inventory course
Our email list building course
Our free Facebook group: My Silent Team Facebook
Episode 46: Where should I start? In under 8 minutes I'll tell you
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"Hey Jim, Where should I start?!" There are a lot of scams out there, and we get a lot of burned out and confused biz warriors who stumble into our community with that question on their mind. In this super short episode Jim responds to the most common question we get in our community. This isn't complicated - get started now and join the thousands of us in our free Facebook community who are building incredible businesses online - typically starting with Amazon!"
Our free Facebook group: My Silent Team Facebook
Jim's best selling book Silent Sales Machine
Episode 45: Free up your time and specialize by hiring outsource workers
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Today Jim spoke with Nathan Hirsch who provides reliable eCommerce workers to hundreds of clients around the world. The topic is finding and hiring great outsource workers to help you grow your business and free up your time!
Nathan's Facebook page
Nathan's website
Episode 29 Team Building with Brett
Guide To Granting VA Workers Access To Your Amazon Account
Episode 44: Do you have a book in you? Could YOU be an author?
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If you've had ANY success in life (or failures!), if you have a story to tell, or if you've overcome any challenges, then you have a book in you! The greatest business card you can ever have is a book! Today we talk about how easy self publishing has become because of the great tools we now have freely available to us. There are also some great tips in this episode about growing your following, growing an email list, and marketing virtually any product, course or book the RIGHT way.
Our Guest: Greg Perry of
Grow a mailing list using eBay:
You Tube Video
Greg on CSPAN denouncing the American's with Disabilities Act:
Episode 43: If you are new to making money online you need this
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Our community has been exploding for the past decade, but we remain very "newbie" friendly. That means we welcome in those who are just getting started building their businesses online!
Today's show is for those who want an overview of what all we have to offer around here in the "Silent Sales Machine" community.
If you only want the free stuff, Jim tells you all about it!
If you are ready to spend a few dollars and check us out, we have a $5 option. If you are ready to go "all in" and become a coaching student with us, we'll talk about that too - and everything in between! Here are the websites mentioned in today's show:
Our free Facebook group: My Silent Team Facebook
Jim's best selling book
Proven Private Label
Our membership sign up
Learn about our next CES event at
Also mentioned:
Episode #7 The three models we teach - an overview
Episode #19 If you are starting with no money and need help
Episode 42: Jim gives away a million dollars and teaches a business lesson!
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You'll love this short story about giving away a million dollars! Plenty of great lessons in this short, but to the point episode
Jim's book
Our PAC course
Our free Facebook group: My Silent Team Facebook
Episode 41: Success on Amazon is predictable. The lifecycle of an online seller
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Getting started making money selling physical products is easy. Building a sustainable model however requires a roadmap. Today's show is that roadmap based on the experiences we've had coaching literally thousands of online sellers to success. You'll start out "an inch deep and a mile wide", and if you choose to grow, you'll wind up "specializing" with multiple income streams to show for it! This episode really ties together several lessons from earlier shows - we hope you love it!
30 sources of inventory to sell online (many free!) YouTube video
Multiple income stream discussions
Episode #4 Building Multiple Income Streams Online
Episode #7 Only Three Ways
Episode #8 From Losing Their Home to a Multiple Online Stream Income Empire
PPI (keyword research) discussions
Episode #2 How Brett Turned $400 into an 8 Figure Amazon Business
Episode #16 Spend $10 and Uncover Gold Mines
Episode #31 Unless You've Sold Tens of Millions on Amazon in Private Label Listen Up
Episode #32 Everything You Need to Know about Sourcing Wholesale to Sell Online
Episode #6 Making Your First $100 Online
Episode #28 Imagine High Profit Products Flying into Your Life on Autopilot
Episode #5 Is This the Lowest Hanging Fruit Model for Amazon Success?
Sourcing profitable products online
Our free Facebook group: My Silent Team Facebook
Episode 40: Private Label success made ridiculously simple on Amazon
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It really can be amazingly simple to launch your own branded products (Private Label) on! We've sold a few hundred million dollars of private-label products on Amazon and have also successfully taught many others to do the same. In this show we "tell all!" We've also recently updated our system to cover the whole process. We can say now more than ever (with extreme confidence) that your success in private label doesn't have to be complicated! If you've been listening to the way PL has been taught by most "experts," you've probably overspent, overeducated yourself and gave up frustrated or worse yet lost a pile of cash! End the madness! Today we'll pull back the curtain and expose the simplicity of the PL model - and you'll be kicking yourself for ever thinking it was complex or expensive!
The book Ryan bought for $1500
Our free Facebook group: My Silent Team Facebook
Episode 39: This simple Amazon search that reveals 1000's of profitable products!
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Imagine having product after product on Amazon selling steadily at great profits WITHOUT competitors swooping in to crash the pricing! On today's show Jim invited Teresa Rose, one of the best coaches to the studio to teach us all how to use simple Amazon searches to uncover countless hidden gold mines of opportunity! We are taking all the guess work and mystery out of sourcing on today's show and we have hundreds of success stories and loads of examples to prove it! You'll love this one!
Brett and I talking wholesale PPI episode 3
The Wholesale Strategy videos from Teresa are in this course!
Proven Amazon Course
Our episode Step Away from the Keyboard SSMR episode 11
Episode 38: The latest Amazon seller account suspension news with Cynthia Stine!
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When it comes to the topic of getting suspended on Amazon as a seller, there are a lot of rumors, half-truths and legitimate precautions to consider.
If you'd like to learn how to avoid suspension, how to navigate a suspension if it ever happens, and how to improve your odds of reinstatement, we highly recommend Cynthia's book "Suspension Prevention". You can get a full free copy of the book inside the course, or grab it on Amazon by title.
In this episode we also talk about the new income replacement insurance that we are very excited to introduce to you. Get details here:
Get the 'Suspension Prevention' book free inside the - our private label course
Get a sample of Cynthia's 'Suspension Prevention' book here:
Episode 37: Amazon account suspension fears end now! Insure your income!
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Have you ever been worried about your account getting suspended? Stop the worry! You can now insure yourself against income loss if you sell on Amazon (or eBay, Jet, etc.). Today we are talking about a brand new policy for online sellers that is a total NO BRAINER! The price is right, it ends any worry you might have about account loss, and it's easy to apply and get covered fast!
Get full details on the policy at
Join the Facebook discussion about account insurance Members: FREE Suspension Prevention eBook (full version)
FREE Suspension Prevention eBook for everyone (summary version):
Come hang out with Ashlin and Jim sometime if you live near Indianapolis! We have occasional live meetups!
Connect in the Local Facebook Group here.
Episode 36: What's the most stable business model online and where do I start?
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Today Jim wants to talk about the most stable business you can possibly have online and he tells you exactly where to start based on having seen thousands of success stories in our community! is where you can see the video on how to subscribe Jim's $5 book "Silent Sales Machine"
Episode 35: 2017 trends in Amazon selling and how you should respond now
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The world of e-commerce is rapidly changing with opportunity everywhere! Let's hang out today with someone who has traveled the world getting to know Amazon executives and Amazon sellers in a way that gives him a very unique perspective on the future of ecommerce, private label, the impact of China & a whole lot more. We give away some great freebies on this episode today as well with special guest Mr. Jeff Cohen of Seller Labs - enjoy!
– Get Jeff's Free Book Here
Jeff's CES IV Presentation
– Traits of a Successful Amazon Seller
Episode 34: Finding fulfillment is vital to your business success with guest Dan Miller
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If you don't truly believe in the work you are doing you aren't alone. 80% of us don't find our work meaningful! Today we show you how to join the 20%! Today we had guest Dan Miller on the line. He's been a big influence on Jim and has helped him make several key decisions. He has also been a keynote speaker at our CES events ( We talk about how to discover your true calling, how to know when you've found it and several other exciting topics that will propel your business forward! One key tip about meaningfully befriending millionaires and working with them is HUGE! Look for it.
Episode 33: The most exciting things in store for you in 2017
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There's no such thing as a business that is riding along safely at the same level long term. Growth is a vital part of ANY business effort. In this episode Jim dives into 10 of the most exciting things we have planned for you in 2017 to help you grow your online business and add more income streams! Topics discussed include more updates and additions to our best selling course and details about our Sept 2017 live event (Tickets will go on sale in Spring 2017 - Get details at
How to join our Affiliate Program
Episode 30: A quick mindset shift that will stuff the wallet of any Amazon or eBay seller
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If you know how to sell stuff on Amazon or eBay - or if you have some basic internet business skills, then you are sitting on a gold mine that you probably don't even recognize is there! You see, 98% of the population has no clue about how online business works, but everyone around you KNOWS that online business is the future of commerce. Without building a website, without learning any new "techie" skills and without even getting a business card for yourself you could quickly have paying clients using ONLY the strategies that we teach in this episode. Today Jim invites a friend of his who started on eBay and now has hundreds of paying clients around the world! This is an episode that we probably could have charged a lot of money for! You are going to love it! Special guest: Mike LeMoine - aka Fireman Mike.
Free access to the OfflineBiz Facebook Group – Membership website for marketers to help small businesses
Mike LeMoine's Maverick Web Marketing
Mike's CES IV Presentation –How Local Marketers Hurt Themselves – the book that gets you Jim's $97 email marketing course for free
Episode 27: Seven questions to ask yourself before jumping into a new business strategy
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Do you ever feel like there are more opportunities and good business ideas out there than you even have time to investigate? I can help! After helping thousands of entrepreneurs and online business building warriors like you since 2002 we've detected some patterns on how and why many of us wind up on dead ends. Many of us leap before we ask the most important basic questions about all those "good ideas" we run into. Today I have seven basic questions for you - ask them all before you leap!
- Is this a good fit for your current budget, schedule, talents, experience and connections?
- Will you be creatively serving others if you pursue this model? Is it something you’ll be proud to associate with?
- Does my spouse or the people who know me best think it’s a good fit for me?
- Are there others doing well with this model that I can follow? What’s their success rate? Are they available to answer questions and help me?
- Are there major trends or outside forces that make this a good/bad idea?
- Can it be expanded, automated or lead to other bigger and better income streams as it grows?
- Is the opportunity cost unrealistic? In other words, What do I have to give up to pursue this?
Episode 26: A homeless mom buys a home, the best tips for newbies, 1,000 success stories & private label success in 15 seconds! The Best of 2016!
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This episode is a short discussion of 16 of the top moments from our Facebook group in 2016! A link to each of the 16 topics is below for your easy reference (you'll need to join our free facebook group in order to access these links - click any link below to request free access to the group!)
The below notes each have a link to the corresponding discussion mentioned in today's show. Join the discussion on any topic!
1) She announced in 2015 that she would build her Amazon biz and get her first home in 2016- and did it…after being homeless!
2) Our own Michael Brown of Death Wish coffee won a paid in full SUPER BOWL AD yesterday thanks in no small part to the votes of the MySilentTeam Facebook community! Full story at
3) If a disabled single mom with $200 and some junk in the garage can do this, so can you!! Lisa has kept us up to date this year on “her story” It’s worth the read….all 5 “Chapters”
part 1 – Jan 2016
part 2 – March 2016
part 3 – August 2016
part 4 – September 2016
Part 5 – December 2016
4) A friend in the UK shares how he finds stuff to sell online for nice profits:
5) A member thanks the MST community and shares what they were able to do for Christmas because of the biz strategies they learned here:
6) He is my heart, my purpose, my motivation, 16 years old, autistic, non verbal. I need to leave him a large trust fund.”
7) How I do my wholesale planning – Everything I plan to buy from a supplier I map it out into a spreadsheet like this so I know what to expect after the product has been ordered.
8) I just bought $500+ worth of stuff that will easily flip to $1000 net within a couple months. This happened about an hour ago. For those who say RA is hard, I gotta ask… Compared to what?
9)This simple report can be pulled down in a matter of seconds from Amazon and you can know what the “MOST VIEWED” items are among the hundreds or even thousands of items you’ve sold on Amazon.
10) Silent Sales Machine Radio podcast launched in 2016! Jim was asked to be the first ever keynote speaker at ASD in 2016. We recorded it and made it the opening episode of our new podcast at The show passed the 100K download mark in just over 6 weeks!
11) Would you like to be set for life with a business model that will ALWAYS be vital, scalable and profitable? It’s this simple: Find products that become more valuable by merely moving them from a place of slow movement and low value to a different location where they are more highly valued and/or moving more quickly.
12) Popular discussion about opening a wholesale account:
13) The best 15 second “Amazon private label” advice ANYONE has EVER given you in three steps:
14) A discussion about our coaching program. “I am considering using Jim Cockrum’s coaching program. If anyone has or is using this program, would you tell me of your experience with it?”
(also listen to podcast episode #13 to help decide if you need coaching)
15) The best advice I would give to someone starting to explore earning income online is (great community participation on this one!):
16) An email we received after one member noticed another member in need of a boost:
“I am not rolling in cash but I feel moved to offer to buy the PAC for ***** please – and my only request is that they Pay it forward sometime in the future – i do not want them to know who I am.”
UPDATE: The “stranger/student” WENT TO WORK and then WENT PUBLIC as he posted his results! He’s doing great (proof below) & we invited the “giver” to attend our live 2016 CES event free. She came! All the way from Ireland!
Episode 25: Your first $1K, $10K and $100K month online – and beyond
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What are the key traits we've observed over and over again among those who continue to grow their online businesses consistently to new levels? Is there any such thing as "enough success" in an online business where you can simply coast and relax? What does each stage look like as your business grows and what does it take to get to each new level?
Jim talks about all that and more in this episode!
Amazon is shutting down RA & OA! Is it time to panic?
Is this the end of retail arbitrage?
CES V Conference – Orlando 2017
Episode 24: Part 2 of 2: Timeless truths of guaranteed business success applied to ecommerce with guest Daniel Lapin
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Jim credits a handful of mentors for his business success. In these two episodes Jim spends time with someone who has arguably shaped his business philosophy more than any other mentor. Today the guest is Jim's favorite living author, Rabbi Daniel Lapin. Lapin regularly consults with everyone from large multi-million dollar corporations to small businesses who recognize his incredible ability to apply timeless truth to virtually any business or life challenge. Jim's two all time favorite business books are the Bible (the best selling book in world history!), and Lapin's book "Business Secrets From The Bible". Regardless of your worldview, you'll enjoy listening as Rabbi Lapin and Jim dive into topics related to Internet business strategy and how to virtually guarantee success as an entrepreneur in all areas of life.
Rabbi Daniel Lapin's store: – discount code "cockrum" to save 20%
Business Secrets From The Bible (Amazon affiliate link)
Jim's Indianapolis area local meet up group on Facebook
Episode 23: Part 1 of 2: Timeless truths of guaranteed business success applied to ecommerce with guest Daniel Lapin
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Jim credits a handful of mentors for his business success. In these two episodes Jim spends time with someone who has arguably shaped his business philosophy more than any other mentor. Today the guest is Jim's favorite living author, Rabbi Daniel Lapin. Lapin regularly consults with everyone from large multi-million dollar corporations to small businesses who recognize his incredible ability to apply timeless truth to virtually any business or life challenge. Jim's two all time favorite business books are the Bible (the best selling book in world history!), and Lapin's book "Business Secrets From The Bible". Regardless of your worldview, you'll enjoy listening as Rabbi Lapin and Jim dive into topics related to Internet business strategy and how to virtually guarantee success as an entrepreneur in all areas of life.
Rabbi Daniel Lapin's store: – discount code "cockrum" to save 20%
Business Secrets From The Bible (Amazon affiliate link)
Jim's Indianapolis area local meet up group on Facebook
Episode 22: Exactly how to secure your business online long term. Never worry about suspensions again!
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Email marketing is boring old news to some, but it's the CORE of success for all of my top clients and my own multiple income stream businesses. My partner is growing multiple HUGE mailing lists right now and we've never stopped loving email! One of my clients just had a $1million week and credits email! If you don't have an email list tied to your online business then you have a business that could possibly vanish in an instant. The most valuable asset you can ever have is a list of people who WANT to hear from you and it's not complicated to get started. It's not nearly as much work as you might be thinking either! No matter what business you are in off or online, you need to be thinking about email marketing. Don't be nervous about getting dropped by eBay, Google, Facebook or Amazon. Grow your own audience! Let's talk about it.
Email list growth using eBay & Amazon
$97 on website, FREE with purchase of Silent Sales Machine (affiliate link)
BONUS INFO: How to start your email list WITHOUT a website (YouTube video).
Episode 21: Is buying low and selling high online immoral?
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Is the act of buying widgets for $10 and selling them for $80 a MORAL and valuable service or not? It's certainly one of the lowest hanging fruit business models of our time and many people in our community are succeeding wildly with this model, but is "buying low and selling high online" a VIRTUOUS business model or is it "price gouging"? Let's talk about it! (for details on this biz model see episode #6)
Is this the end of retail arbitrage?
Amazon is shutting down RA & OA! Is it panic time?
Come discuss this episode with Jim and SSMR community on FB here
Episode 20: How to sell more of your products on Amazon Part II
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In part one of this topic (episode #17) we talked a lot about how to AVOID buying bad inventory for resell online. In part II we dive deeper into how to MOVE inventory that you purchased and now have a hard time moving.
Learn to sell on Facebook marketplace – 3-minute video
– Facebook discussion on the FB marketplace opportunity.
Connect with Others On The MySilentTeam World Map
Episode 19: Start with $0 and build an online income quickly! Six online strategies!
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We've all been there at some point. More time than money. Can you still build an internet business if you are broke? Yes you can and Jim has six specific business strategies for you in this one! Even if you have some cash in the bank, you should check this one out! You'll find some very creative investment opportunities in this creativity packed episode!
Learn to sell on Facebook marketplace – 3-minute video
Learn to sell on Amazon from anywhere in the world – 8-minute video
Episode 18: Are you being deceived about online business? What's your trust test?
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How do you ensure that you invest in ONLY the training, experts, events and courses that will take your business in the right direction? There's one simple test you can use that will help you avoid making a series of horrible decisions when it comes to your online business building adventure. In this mini episode Jim explains why just about every hyped up expensive expert course you've ever bought or considered buying was a total waste of money and he reveals how you can EASILY know well in advance who the good guys are and who the money grubbing scammers are.
Episode 17: How to sell more of your product on Amazon - part I of II
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What are the tricks for selling a bulk load of inventory that is moving too slowly on Amazon? I get asked this question a lot - and I always give the same answer. It can be painful to hear, but remember - I only say it because I love you!
3 minute Facebook marketplace video
Amazon report for "sessions":
>Click on Reports
>Business Reports
>"Detail Page Sales and Traffic"
Then sort by sessions to see what's in your inventory.
Discuss this report strategy with others here: (the best keyword training in the world for Amazon is the PPI module in this course) Need help moving your inventory? Need help getting started? We can help!
Episode 15: Five truths that guarantee online biz success long term
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In today's show Jim explores the five fundamental concepts that you'll need to grasp in order to build an multiple income streams empire online. Grasping the power of even one or two of these concepts will help you go further fasters, but if you get all five down pat, you'll be unstoppable. It's not complex, but it is a different way of seeing online opportunities. Let's explore these five ideas: "Only do what only you can do", the "Find your audience first" principle, "Finding the right partners", "The power of email marketing" and "The power of simple video."
Episode 14: How much investment cash do I need to succeed online?
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Having investment funds is NOT a requirement of online business success. In fact, many of the most compelling success stories from our community are the stories of those who overcame incredibly difficult financial circumstances in order to succeed and we gave them the SAME advice as we did to our students with ample cash on hand! So what is needed in order to build a great business online? Is it education, experience, gender or something else? Let's talk about it!
Episode 13: The future of e-commerce & when to use a coach to grow your business
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Today you'll meet the man who has been the director of the coaching program for 14 years - Mr. Nathan Bailey. Together, Nathan and Jim have coached 1,000's of clients and businesses on strategies for Internet business success.
They'll discuss the future trends that they see coming in the short and long term as well as some of the specific strategies being used NOW by their most successful students.
Your mindset matters in this business, and you should find yourself feeling VERY optimistic after this episode!
Is This The End of Retail Arbitrage? (article)
How To Use Facebook Marketplace in 3 Minutes
US Census Report <9% of retail is online
Episode 12: Is it too late to get into Ecommerce? The facts tell the story.
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This short episode is for the desperate and the doubters. Jim hits you with just the facts and it doesn't take long to make his point. There is clear and compelling evidence that online Ecommerce is still in its infancy. Those wanting to get in on this mega-trend have never had a better window of opportunity. The next decade will be the decade of the Ecommerce explosion - the signs are everywhere. It's time to get in on it!
Where should I start post in our free Facebook group:
US Census data proving that online shopping is in its infancy:
The BEST course to get started:
Episode 11: Step away from the keyboard if you want to make money online
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In this episode Jim talks about specific strategies for moving your business forward fast with the power of intentional relationships. Listen up biz builder - this isn't a fluff episode these are specific, simple strategies that if ignored WILL cost you dearly. I'd estimate that 90% of all online entrepreneurs are doing it wrong when it comes to building the proper relationships with the right people - and Jim wants to help set things straight!
Speed of Relationships Blog post:
- calendar scheduling software
Two Great Questions:
- What are you working on?
- How can I help?
Episode 10: Selling Physical Products w/out Touching Them - From Anywhere in the World!
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Regardless of where you live, your business background or experience you can and should be selling physical product online. It's a virtually risk free model when done correctly, and there are no excuses! Let's talk about it!
- Prep-fulfillment Center List
PPI Podcast episode with Brett Bartlett
Episode 9: Over 115 million people saw Mike's advertisement & it didn't cost him a dime
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Imagine having your product featured in front of the largest TV audience ever assembled for a single TV show! My mastermind student Mike had that happen to him - and it wasn't an accident! This is the story of Mike Brown of Death Wish Coffee ( - and you'll love the lessons we can pull out of his big adventure that just keeps getting better! – full story of Death Wish Coffee
Super Bowl Commercial on YouTube

Episode 8: From losing their home to a multiple online income stream empire
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One of the exciting success stories to come out of the 'Silent Sales Machine' community is the story of Jason and Cinnamon Miles. They started out on eBay selling a simple product, and they've now built a virtual online empire. Prepare to be inspired, challenged and equipped for multiple income stream success after hearing this episode!
–CES Conference & other live events website
– $97 course – FREE to those who purchase the Silent Sales Machine book
Want to hear more from Jason?
Here's his last presentation at our live event in late 2016 – click here.
Episode 7: Only three ways
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I've been teaching online business success strategies since 2000 and I've figured something out. There are only THREE ways to make money online -and there's ONE great way to tell if ANY business idea is potentially a winning idea. Enjoy this "mini" episode that could save you from a lot of trouble, and help you build incredible income streams while leading a better life! buy the Kindle version on Amazon for $5
Episode Zero of this podcast is above or you can download it here.
Episode 6: Making your first $100 online
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If you are new to making money online, or if you've tried and failed so far, this episode is for you. Our goal together is simple. Together we WILL put $100 profit in the bank! If you want more detail on any of this after listening, please email us and we'll get you help!
Part 1: Where NOT to start 0:00
Part 2: Why listen to my team and I? 39:00
Part 3: Let's put some cash in the bank! 45:07
Silent Sales Machine – the book that launched this podcast. It's only $5 on Amazon here
30 ways to find profitable inventory
Email marketing - Our email course is FREE if you purchase Jim's "Silent Sales Machine" book! - one of Jim's favorite email marketing tools that he's used for years
Episode 4: Building Multiple Income Streams Online
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In this episode Jim sets the record straight about what it looks like to build multiple income streams online. He also reveals who should be doing it, and the risks involved for those who don't. He also shares several examples of those doing it well.
Talk to us about one-on-one coaching?
Amazon suspension concerns? Check out
Our live events:
Our best selling Amazon course:
Our rapidly growing MySilentTeam Facebook group
Episode 3: Jersry Seinfeld paid my client plus a rags to riches Super Bowl story!
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iTunes · Stitcher · Podbean - Jim's book with 101 free ways to market any business - the simple strategy Jim's client Mike used to go from "unknown" to "household name" - the book that launched this podcast. It's only $5 on Amazon here
Email marketing - Our email course is FREE if you purchase Jim's "Silent Sales Machine" book! - one of Jim's favorite email marketing tools that he's used for years
Episode 2: Deleted Recording
We apologize for the inconvenience but we have removed this episode. Please click on another episode to get great online business selling content!
Episode 1: Simple strategies that will exponentially grow any business quickly
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In our opening episode we present Jim's recent keynote address from a 2016 conference. The ASD conference where he spoke is one of the largest U.S. trade shows which attracts tens of thousands of entrepreneurs from around the world, but they had never had a keynote address. Jim was honored to be invited to be the first! These tips and strategies will introduce you a bit to the way Jim's mind works. The audio isn't the best, but we thought you'd enjoy hearing Jim interact with an audience of business owners as our pilot episode.
Episode 0: Introduction To Silent Sales Machine Radio Podcast
Click here to download this episode
In this initial episode I address two basic questions.
Question One: Who is this podcast for?
Answer: It's for anyone wanting to start an online Internet based business or have more success in their online business. We'll have an emphasis on the three business models that we teach. It's the same models that we have used to create thousands of success stories in our large community.
Question Two: What is the foundational "secret sauce" that drives my success and the success of all my clients (even those clients who have a DIFFERENT worldview than I do)?
The answer is simple – and I reveal it in this episode.