The complete system behind a fully automated multiple seven figure Amazon REPLENS OA business

Are you ready to deploy a complete workflow software that fully automates your Amazon REPLENS business?

It's the same system used by $3million REPLENS seller Khang Dang

My team and I have helped 1,000s of students build successful businesses on Amazon using our unique REPLENS system, but there’s not been a comprehensive workflow solution – until now.

This is “The System” developed by and used by Khang, one of the most successful REPLENS sellers in our community – and if you’re ready to scale and automate your Amazon product sales business, you need to see what he’s built.

Khang recently said, 

“I’m finding and managing so many profitable ASINs on autopilot with “The System” that my only limiting factor is the cash I put into “The System”.

His $3million fully automated Amazon REPLENS business is running entirely on “The System”!

This Amazon REPLENS automation system plus a SMALL team is so automated that he just took two weeks vacation time traveling with his family and he didn’t even check his sellers stats – and his business grew with new profitable products added constantly.

You can hear the full podcast episode here where Khang first discussed “The System”.

On that podcast episode you’ll also hear the story of the tragic loss that his family faced, but in spite of the challenges, Khang’s business and profits grew dramatically in his absence.

He appeared again on our podcast with an exciting update about the PUBLIC LAUNCH of “The System” as we begin rolling it out first to our core students only at a significant discount – and then eventually to more people very soon.

Here’s a link to the Spring 2024 launch announcement interview


Our goal was to create a comprehensive system and allow Amazon REPLENS sellers to eliminate the common challenges all sellers face.


  1. Your own daily buy list!
    Eliminate the manual work required to monitor ASINs as they move from “worth selling” to “on hold”. The viability of your ASIN catalog is updated in real time with Keepa data so you always know if any given ASIN is worth investing in. Each day you have a new “buy list” full of ASINs that you would easily miss otherwise.
  2. Dramatically Speed up check in times and inventory processing
    You’ll be able to prep products faster, cheaper, and with better quality than ever previously available. Check in and processing is so fast that Khang needs only 1 1/2 workers to manage his 6,000 ASINs.
  3. Simplify Account Health and Expense Tracking
    Account receipts and resources are tracked automatically. You’ll have a system that keeps track of how much you purchase on a daily basis without any manual data entry on a spreadsheet. “The System” not only tracks your daily spend, but also allows you to store receipts in “The System” for instant retrieval for your accountant or for any account health related issue (IP alert etc). You can download all the proof of purchase documents for any ASIN with one click – this saves an incredible amount of time and effort.
  4. A fully automated REPLENS system
    This robust system manages small Amazon seller businesses or the largest operations.


  • Assistance transitioning to “The System” from your current Amazon selling strategies
  • Twice per month group mentoring (mastermind) calls with Khang to train you on “The System” as well as his inventory research strategies
  • Grandfathered access to “The System” for life at the lowest rate we’ll ever offer (should you choose to continue)
  • Full access to “The System” including all future upgrades


  • This offer is currently only for coaching students and will soon be made available to Proven Amazon Course students during our initial launch.  Anyone is welcome to apply below and we’ll contact you when the doors are open
  • There are only a limited number of slots available. This round of rolling out “The System” will quickly fill up. Future rounds will be on a waiting list.

If you aren’t currently eligible, please set an appointment  with the office to discuss coaching or your eligibility for “The System”


  • For eligible candidates, a one time payment of $499 gives you a full six months of complete access to “The System” which  includes all benefits listed above
  • Full refund for 30 days for any reason
Khang Dang
He's built a $3million fully automated business using this system.
Jim Cockrum
Host of Salesmachine Radio Podcast and founder of the Proven Amazon Course.

Doors are now open for students of the JimCockrumCoaching program, and will soon be open to active ProvenAmazonCourse students.

If you’re ready to apply for “The System”, please fill out this short application and tell us about yourself.

To stay up to date on future important announcements about “The System”, get on the alert list below.

Text the word “SYSTEM” (no quotation marks) to 507-800-0090 and we’ll notify you via text when we go live. 

Or enter your e-mail below:

Our goal is to make our customers happy, so we back that up with our simple refund policy. If you are not pleased with your purchase for any reason, just contact us within 30 days and we will offer a full refund or credit – your choice! Have questions or concerns? We are happy to help. Contact us at: [email protected]

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