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Episode 729: From living in his mom’s garage to having a product in 35,000 retail stores nationally

From living in his mom's garage to having a product in 35,000 retail stores nationally

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So often on our podcast, we hear stories of people who have built incredible businesses, but today’s episode is perhaps one of the most powerful stories we’ve ever told from a community student.

The student I interview today has been in our community for well over 10 years at this point and has built one of the most incredible brand building success stories That Amazon has arguably ever seen.

Not only has this product been a top 10 item on Amazon in the grocery category, it’s also now in 35,000 retail stores.

Our team loves helping new sellers get established and take off, but today’s episode illustrates what’s possible with time, commitment, and the right team backing you along the way.

Show note LINKS: – text the word “free” to 507-800-0090 to get a free copy of Jim’s latest book in audio about building multiple income streams online! If you live outside of the US or Canada please email [email protected] for a copy! – Mike’s story and how he built a culture around his brand – Get a free session with a business consultant on our team at 1-800-994-1792 / 1-801-693-1688 or TEXT US at 385-284-7701 (US & Canada only for Text)  ALL of our coaches are running very successful businesses of their own based on the models we teach here!

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