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Episode 885: These Wholesale sourcing strategies are powerful! has launched!

These Wholesale sourcing strategies are powerful! has launched!

Today we launch the brand new and interview the wholesale selling expert behind this new course on an all new podcast episode. Karl has applied the skills he learned in the ProvenAmazonCourse keepa training and applied it to WHOLESALE and has done a whopping $40Million in sales! He has an incredible system and today we break it down for you!


If you understand the basics of RA/OA, keepa and the REPLENS model as taught in the, you are ready to get into the wide open opportunities of wholesale!


If you’d like to get to know Karl and his story, check out this episode. If you’re ready to get into selling wholesale on Amazon, get over to the Proven Wholesale Sourcing site and sign up – the classes start Sept 3rd!




Relevant Links 
A Comprehensive & Proven Strategy for Any Amazon Seller Who Wants to Consistently Locate Virtually Unlimited Sources of Great Selling Wholesale Products!
Smart Scout discount link. Chrome Extension:
The comprehensive course that contains ALL our Amazon training modules, recorded events and a steady stream of latest cutting edge training including of course
Book a call here to discuss our offers including coaching, Legends and course
What is LEGENDS? A community of our more successful students who've formed a smaller mastermind consisting of a few hundred members.

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Episode Guest
Karl Jacobi
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